Daily Mail: Today's diet/fitness related offerings

you know what drives me mad. that pic of horrid suzanne shaw (hate her as much as katie waissel) is so touched up and she is standing in such a way her legs look slim. what we need to see is real life pics, cellulite wobble and all. NO wonder we always think we are wobbly, cellulite jelly monsters.
I had no idea who Suzanne Shaw was until I clicked on the article. She really did have a jelly belly, mind - very broad around the beam, as my Grandma would have said!
(can't bear her either!!)
i cant see her jelly belly?
We need a before picture of her... I must admit that my eyes used to automatically go downward as I tried to guess whether she was expecting or not (shame on me!)
if you've seen her recently on the telly (presumably pre-weight loss)...you'd see it...she's gone really round in the face.....


I agree on the photoshopping..but it's still somewhat motivational :eek::) x
nope its not motivational its rubbish
I can't honestly say that I've felt I'd like to look like X, Y or Z... leastwise not since I was about 7 and then I wanted to BE them. So can't honestly say I find them motivational. I do like seeing their cellulite though! And I think it's Closer mag that a friend keeps for me in England which is great for catching "stars" unawares... <stars my foot for the most part; particularly when the word falls behind "reality"!>

I'm actually a TV advertiser's worst nightmare. I don't watch live TV, preferring to record them and zap through the adverts.
ok so maybe it's just me it motivates then :p....seeing carb face helps me to resist....if I eat carbs....I get carb face...I look like some 2bit carb faced reality tv "personality" ironic use of the word personality seeing as they have none! :D....

and who wants to look like that...

the last century had "BAN THE BOMB"

I say "BAN THE CARB" :p........:D x
lol Like it sarah. but not ban the carb completely cos its nice to see celebs with carb face :D i have had carb face for ages :D
lol Like it sarah. but not ban the carb completely cos its nice to see celebs with carb face :D i have had carb face for ages :D

ok....new law...

Celebs must eat their weight in carbs each and every day :) to make us look better :D.,.. x

I ought to be P.M :) x