Daily Weigh-In


What doesn't kill me.....
I read an article on MSN yesterday about this. Apparently they state that people who weigh themselves daily are more likely to maintain their weight.

"Weigh yourself. Stepping on the scale first thing (after the bathroom, before breakfast, wearing little to nothing) gives you the most accurate read on your weight, which can fluctuate by up to three pounds during the day! It's a good idea to weigh in daily: A study from Brown University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that 61 percent of people who did so maintained their weight within five pounds over time (compared with 32 percent who weighed in less often), mainly because it helped them catch weight gain early."


Here's the full artcile that it came from.. it's about the best time of day to do various things The Best Time of Day to Exercise Take Vitamins and More Health Moves - Page 1 - MSN Health & Fitness - Women's Health

Hmm, I know "they" always change their minds about health matters, but it's the first time I've heard that. Usual just the opposite, and I'd be inclined to disagree with them. From personal experience, I know that when I have really busted a gut working out and being faithful to a diet and saw no weight loss in a couple of days (which I know is normal) I am really put off and begin thinking that what I am doing doesn't matter. That's my biggest diet buster. I like to see larger gaps in numbers, like when I weigh weekly. Just my opinion.
I tend to weigh myself most days but I thought that was just me being slightly obsessive!:eek:

It can fluctuate by a couple of pounds over the day and more at my time of the month!
I think weighing yourself daily could be beneficial if you are at your target weight and want to maintain, it would keep you right on track, although could possibly make you a bit obsessive??? But for those of us that are losing, I think itis better to stick with a weekly weigh in on the same day at the same time. I always weigh first thing in the morning (after bathroom trip!) on a Friday.
I used to be the same way.. weighing in only weekly. But I have found that I like to check in every couple of days. Not daily... just every 2-3 days. I have found that it is helpful to see the scales moving down.. even if it's just a half pound or so.. and lets me know if I need to be working a little bit harder. It's like I'm just checking to make sure I'm going in the right direction.

I dunno.. I thought it was interesting and i know there are a bunch of people here who weigh in daily. Thought I would post it. :)

I was weighing every day while I was away and it did help to keep me on the straight and narrow. But it does the opposite when I am trying to loose weight. So I suppose in a way they are right.

ha-ha good to be sticking my nose in again!! x
I agree with the theory supporting a daily weigh-in. It can be a bit obsessive but it helps keep you on track. I try to weigh myself daily when I remember but I can go a week or 2 without checking when my mind is on other things. Anyhow, checking regularly has helped me learn more about the way my eating patterns and exercise routines affect my weight. When I first lost about 3 stone and dropped 2 to3 dress sizes I was very careful to stick to a healthy calorie-controlled diet and regular exercise. I maintained for about 5 or 6 months then I got careless...... I have gained about 5kg (approx. 10lbs) since January and it was through regular weighing that I became conscious of the sclaes creeping up.
Now I am getting rid of the excess with slimfast and I aim to weigh myself as close to daily as I can!