Day 1. Attempt Number 1058.


Full Member
Well. Hello there. I'm Hayley. And yet again I am attempting to diet/eat healthily.
Over the years I have tried Weight Watchers, Slimming World and Lighter Life, and I just have no staying power.
It's Australia's fault. I had lost 2 stone on WW and had another 2 to go when I moved to Oz in 2008 and I had gone from working full time, going to the gym 3 times a week and eating fairly well, to a lonely, 23 year old, having to fend for myself and afford food.
So began the spiral into the fatty bum bum that I am now :D
So todays attempt, I love sweet stuff like choc and cakes and bread is one of my downfalls. So going to try and wean myself off eating them every day. And limit my bread intake.
Today I have had some melon and yoghurt for brekkie, ham and tomato toastie and tomato soup for tea, and a 30g bowl of special k and milk and some melon again.
Was thinking about nice things to eat earlier and lucky for my waistline, my mum is doing SW, so there are no naughty thungs in the house.

So hello there and nice to meet you.
Good Luck Hayley.

Bread is something I have recently cut down on too, surprisingly it wasnt as difficult as I thought it would be 3 weeks ago I used to have 6 to 8 slices a day now I maybe average 1 or 2.

Little changes soon add up (I hope lol)
Good Luck Hayley,

I also have tried them all, WW, SW, most recently Cambridge which I did well at but have put a bit back on over Christmas (don't know how much, I am too scared to weigh). I am now going for cutting right down on snacks, I love everything, sweet and savoury! And also exercise.... I hope I have the willpower to get back on it this time xx
I'm not following a diet, but I too have cut down on bread. I had a teacake and banana for breakfast, this is pretty typical of the last few weeks. Then no more bread all day.
I think this and my new exercise and healthy lunch / dinner are really helping. Not quite as bad as I thought either, *he says as his tummy rumbles*. Good luck!
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