Day 1 Newbie


Full Member
Hi started Exante Total today. Any tips and different ways to do the shakes would be useful.

Do any of you take vitamins/supplements? I normally take probiotics, multivitamin and agnus cactus (for flushes)

I've bought a bumper pack of mixed shakes/bars for now.

is the porridge worth having? what's the different between this and normal?
any one want to buddy with me who's at day 1 or 2?

I am on TS but just at the end of my thrid week. Once you get past the first week which is the hardest youll get into your own wee groove and enjoy it. I am very boring, I only ordered choc and vanilla shakes which is have hot and mixed with a blender. It comes out all creamy and frothy. Yummy!

I also have the nut and raisin bar, which I like to dip into hot choc, its gorgeous!

I am sure you will be fine, just give everything a try and youll soon figure out your tastes. Drink plenty water too!!

Oh I dont take any additional vitamins as you get 100% of your recommeneded vits and minerals from the packs.

I'm a newbie too, this is my second day feel like i'm living in the loo, with all this water.

Been a bit cold today but think it is all the water, really suprised that i'm not hungry, but got a banging headache.

Good luck will look out for your weigh in :)
thx for replies

Hi thx for the replies so far very useful. Hoping I can stick to this for the first four weeks! I'll post weight changes and comments as I go....
I only ordered the dolly mixture of shakes, I really like them all. The banana one is my fave, I love them poured over crushed ice!! It goes like a McD's milkshake! I haven't warmed any of them up yet, I reckon the vanilla one with a dash of coffee in would be lovely...very vanilla latté-esque! :)
Mmmmm, shake over crushed ice, another great idea......thank you.

I am so pleased I have joined the forum, it's so helpful and inspiring :)
I find that putting the shake over ice makes it more substantial :)
Hi hun! Hope it's going okay for you.

Can we buddy up? I'm on Day 3 (like you are I think). Did I read that you went to a wedding and felt obliged to eat? I had a 'blip' last night so we're still in the same boat!

How are you getting on today? Did I see you'd honked for 100?:D
H iyes happy to buddy up - yes ok day today. back on 100% and planning to stick to it this week.
Hiya how's the day been? 100% again today but not enjoying it