Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 today...

Feeling nervous, but also confident. I have work in a couple of hours, and i work with food so let's hope that the smell of the food doesnt make me too hungry!
Does anyone know if you can drink coke zero or pepsi max on this diet?
S x
All the very best!!

You're not allowed either... but i know some people "cheat" and have coke zero if they think they're at risk of caving in... which is going to be better than falling off the wagon but....

Water's so varied and interesting once you try lots of different types and i LOVE the stuff these days.........

All the best!!

Im gutter, I was told I can have diet coke or any diet drinks.....I started today too...on sole source....Ive had 2 shakes and just had a soup because I was feeling a bit starving!!!
Ive had a bad headache all day... half the water intake so far, ive found that easy. I think its a mistake to have come dine with me on the television today......
ooh thankyou!! i best not drink it then! my cdc said i could but i better not risk it now! well i completed day 1 100% with no cheating! very proud of myself as there was plenty of temptation at work, but i pushed past it!
cant wait to get into ketosis so i wont feel physically hungry!
i had a headache too, felt a bit lightheaded, but i got passed it! just drank loads of water!
S xx
SurfySophie - Yu have done brilliantly today - WELLL DONE!!! :D

Let us know tomorrow evening how day two has gone xxxx YOU CAN DO THIS!!
thankyou Enough! your support means alot :) i will do! hope your journey is going well! xx
well done, nice to know someone who started the same day as me!
I had black tea this morning while everyone had milky latte and croissants! feeling very proud, keep looking at myself in shop windows which makes me more deternmined!
good luck for your first week! always the hardest but you will feel so great and proud of yourself if you stick to it. i dont know where this diet coke and zero coke comes from as alot of people say their consultants told them they could have it! dont know why they are ill-advising their own clients as your not supposed to have it, it might be 'sugar' free but has all sorts of stuff hidden in it thats no good for you-or the diet! if you can stay clear. xx
Ive had pain for years and ive been treated for acid reflux for 2 years now but it looks like its been the stones all along so its def not caused by the diet which means i can get back on it as soon as i get out of here! Its been 4 days now and im pretty bored :( yes i am having it out soon, i just need more tests after this weekend xxx

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