Day 1

So this is day 1 - all been ok not too keen on toffee and walnut shake but will be trial and error with flavours I think .I'm not a water drinker but seem to managing fine with it today. I always get bad headaches with diets and on day 1 I have one already lol hoping to lose 4 1/2 stone lost before but with Scottish slimmers and went back to my old eating habits. Iv see all the great weight losses on here and really excited and hope my loss is as good . Any advice out there is always appreciated . Thanks Dee x
Hello! I am on day 6 and I have found that adding more water to shakes makes them more palatable! I use 400ml of water in all my shakes and I always use a blender which I find also makes them taste better! Oh and most of the time I also blend them with about 6 ice cubes which thickens them up a bit! Another good thing of using more water is that your using some of the extra water you need to drink!
Good luck Dee - take it one day at a time and it will fly by. I've posted this somewhere before but dont think of it as "no food/alcohol for 3 months" but instead think "I will stick to SS 100% today" and you'll be fine.

Set yourself little goals and rewards for each one -write them down before you start so you can look forward to them.

Write a list of all the positive things about losing weight that you are looking forward to (wearing floaty dresses, fitting into airline seats, running half marathons - whatever).

Experiment with the shakes and soups, try them hot/cold/blended with ice/ thick/runny etc and you'll find out which you like. I thought they were rank on the first day but now I find them quite tasty.

Tell your close friends and family that you are doing it so that they dont arrange lots of dinners/drinks which you can't go to - you'll find that they will probably be really happy to go for a walk/have nails done/ go bowling or cinema instead of eating and drinking.

Personally I am really strict and don't deviate at all from SS unless its totally unavoidable (ie a client lunch at work). I know that the minute I let myself eat something that's off SS, even if its just a morsel of cheese or a bit of chicken then I will be a step closer to giving up altogether. You probably have much stronger willpower than me but at the start (I'm on day 7) I need to be really strict with myself.

Good luck! As soon as the weight starts to come off you'll be sailing...
Thanks guys some great advice there thanks very much . Iv already set myself a treat when I lose my first stone . A massage or facial. So have that to look forward to :) thanks guys and good luck to you too xxxx
Well done on you first day! I would try all of the flavours as there are loads, there are bound to be some you like! Also I always liked the toffee and walnut hot! YUM! Drink lots of water (although I try and drink all of it before about 5ish so that I'm not peeing all night!) :D