Day 1


HI everyone.. Well I am about to embark on the Exante Journey today. I have just weighed myself and have a starting weight of 14stone :( I have put on 1stone since October and feel like crying at this moment. I want to lose 3 1/2 stone by July. I have never tried this diet before, but I have done the Cambridge Diet before and lost 2 Stone, so I am prepared for the ups and downs along the way.
It would be good to hear from others who are or have been following the diet as I know I am going to need lots of motivation along the way... I have got shakes and bars and I'm just hoping I won't get bored. I thinking now that I might have been better off getting the soups as well, but we will see. Any tips on survival would be much appreciated :) x
Today is day 1 for me too :) good luck we can do this x

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Hello! :) My tip is to drink plenty of water and to spread your shakes/soups/bars out across the day, split the shakes into two or three if you find grazing more sustainable.

There is a lot of information in the stickies at the top of the main Exante page, there are also members diaries which are worth reading through so you can see how others have coped with various hurdles.

Good luck x
Hi! Welcome :)

Exante is great, you will love it once you see the weight falling off... Gets very addictive actually :D

If you stick with it, you WILL lose weight, just fight through the temptations, don't give in and you WILL succeed, the diet is easier if you know that ;)

Best of luck to you!!!
Awww thanks for all your positive messages.. I've been to Tesco and stocked up on coke zero as I have read this is allowed, is that correct? Is there a limit on how much you can drink in a day?
My only worry about drinking so much water during the day is finding a toilet, as I am out on the road quite a lot with my job.. suppose plenty of service station visits for me :(
Some people on here are losing fantastic amounts of weight, I just hope I can remain focused and achieve some of the weight loss like everyone else. Good luck everyone :) :) xx
Well Day 1 100% TS nearly over :) Not been too bad to be honest. Found splitting packs into 2 hot drinks the way forward as they taste nicer and are really creamy.. Only downside is I'm feeling really tired :( is this normal? Hope everyone else has had a good day, would be good to hear your stories to keep me motivated :)
Andrea x
hi , ive started today also . Good luck , Ive done this before and lost alot of weight but put weight back on again . Im quite angry with myself Starting spining tomoz also . Feeling sleepy is normal for the first few days .
Well done andrea for getting through day 1 100%.. and good luck for day 2 x
Just had a sneaky jump on the scales and I've lost 4lb overnight... OMG surely this can't be right... I am presuming that this must just be excess water and won't stay this way as I progress.. Oh well it's a welcomed boost to my motivation whatever.. Onwards and upwards.. How long does ketosis take to come along??
Andrea xx :) :)

Hi there. I started the Exante diet last Thursday. Weekends are going to be hard as you tend to relax more and be around the house more as well. Am doing ok but struggling a bit today, so thought i would join:sigh: the forum for some moral support.
Well checked the ketostix after work and it has gone 2nd shade of pink :) I'm only on day 2 so that happened quickly. I don't feel fully of energy tho so maybe I still need to get into it more over the next few days :) X
When you go into ketosis it is different for everyone...