Day 2


Full Member
Not so bad today , have had a few longings but i wont give in . restarting is a lil harder as u know wat ur in for , for the first week . i know im determined and i wanna lose 2 stone before end of feb for my sis party .. come on day 3 till i kick ur butt too ha ha . hope everyone is haveing a good day
Hi, i'm day 5 today and had my first weigh in. Am a little disappointed as my scales said -10lb this morning but the chemist scales were not so kind! They weigh in kilos and i had lost 2.7kg, she then checked that on the lipotrim bmi chart and said i had lost about 4lb, which i was really disappointed with. However i did the conversion myself and 2.7kg is 5.96lb so nearly 6lb so have now decided to not take any notice of her bmi chart and will convert the kilos to lbs myself i think!
Are you weighed in lbs or kilos by your pharmacy?

I'm nearing the end of day 2 as well .. Have to say it was easier than yesterday .. Was questioning myself yest if I could do this again and stick .. But maybe it's my imagination but I have a serious dry mouth and some not nice breath hehe I think Ketosis is coming!!!!!

Hope those longing say at bay!

Day 3 ...

Been so super busy yest and today I havent been online very much! Yesterday so grand the day flew and very few tummy rumbles!

I said yest I thought Ketosis was on it way and it defo is 1. I have breath that smells like dog doo (gross sorry!) and it feels like I have been eating cotton wool. 2. We had a team lunch out today which I organised and had the payment card so there was no escape ... So I had coffee while they all ate Italian and it was fine now I'm thinking about it I didn't even notice the food smell (which last time used torment me!) it's 3 already and I haven't had my 2nd sachet so just tones of water and coffee since 9 and no so much as a tummy squeak never mind a rumble .. Ah welcome Ketosis my old friend!!

Hope everyones day is going good ... Best
Head to drive home ... It's the weekend yay! Think we will do some visiting tonight the parental units and perhaps sis in laws for a chat!
15st pics ... Yuck!

Adding these to my diary to remind myself never to get FAT again .. 15 and looking like this blob never again!



Becky.Boo said:
15st pics ... Yuck!

Adding these to my diary to remind myself never to get FAT again .. 15 and looking like this blob never again!

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Sorry meat that for my own diary doh! Cannot fugue out how to delete or move! I'm a silly girl!