day 4 and am struggling


Full Member
hi there started ss on monday was fine and tuesday was good then yesterday boom realy bad no matter how much water i drank i was starvin marvin lol i ate quite a bit like chicken salad and tuna pasta mayo,today i woke up thinking dont give in yeh fool and so far so good but am struggling with water now x....anyone please help to kick my ass :mad:
The first week is the hardest, by the end of tomorrow you'll start to feel better.
I'm on week 15, and no longer so much as think of food anymore x
How are you doing now stickinicki? I'm right there with you - think I'm one day behind you (started Tuesday). Tuesday and Wednesday were awful, Thursday was good and then yesterday and today I've felt worse again! Really cream-crackered, irritable, and craving food.
Day 4 also

How are you doing now stickinicki? I'm right there with you - think I'm one day behind you (started Tuesday). Tuesday and Wednesday were awful, Thursday was good and then yesterday and today I've felt worse again! Really cream-crackered, irritable, and craving food.

I too am on day 4 and feel cacky..Gonna stick with it though as I beleive the 1st week is the worst..I hope you feel better soon
ive done so bad am not gonna lie gutted i feel like am allways going to be fat,i get weighed on wensday and am dredding it
Dont beat yourself up. Just start again..I know you can do it cos if I can anyone can..I have slipt up loads in the past and have had that many last suppers its untrue..However I now have my head around this and know its not forever..Please keep your chin up and try again..:)
That's too bad - go to your meeting, talk to your consultant. Just because your first week didn't go great, doesn't mean you can't work it out next week. I hope you stick to it, after quite a bad weekend mood and craving wise, I feel a lot better now, and feel like as long as I take it one day at a time I'll get there. It's not forever and I'm trying to remind myself that September is coming one way or another, and do I want to get there thinner and healthier? Or do I want it to arrive and look back knowing what could have been? I hope you're still giving it a go, like lola123 said, if I can do it, anyone can :D Good luck!