Day Two......I could eat a horse!!!!

Welshmamma said:
I've made it to day four but it's the weekend and I hope I can keep myself busy enough to resist temptation x

I found my first weekend the hardest (this is my second now) and it made me realise how much we used to eat t the weekend! My hubby isn't on Lipotrim but is eating healthily (no sweets, choc, crisps, fizzy drinks etc.) and struggled too. You can do it though! As you said, keep busy. Your weigh-in will make you realise that staying 100% gets you great results. X

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I'm going to clean from top to bottom I think, that should keep me busy. Definitely won't be doing a roast tomorrow though! That would be too much lol x thanks for the support ?
welshmamma, I can happily cook for the family now, but whilst on this they have NEVER had a roast lol, just one of those things I cant cope with x
I'm going to clean from top to bottom I think, that should keep me busy. Definitely won't be doing a roast tomorrow though! That would be too much lol x thanks for the support ?

doing this it certainly makes me more busy than normal, my daughter is cleaning with me aswell. Its my first weekend on LT but im working tonight so im just going to keep myself busy till i go to work. i have to go shopping today tho for the rest of the family so i may wobble a bit at the supermarket hahah x
only a blip welshmama, be positive and I'm sure u can do this, and u have the added support of the forum xx :) x
welshmamma, dont beat yourself up, I had a blip on week 1 also, it happens, focus on getting through to WI at 100% and see what the scales bring you, its done now, cant be taken away so nothing you can do, its what you choose to do NOW that counts xxx
Thanks so much everyone :0) i got my period today and normally would have consumed HUGE amounts of food, so I think it may have contributed to my weakness yesterday.
I have woken up with a huge headache today just popped a peppermint tea in the pot and going to have a drink of water x
New day today Welshmamma, forget yesterday and keep going today. Take a couple of paracetamols for your headache and stay focused on the reasons why you want to lose weight. You did it for 3 days and you can do it again. It will get better I promise you. Best wishes for today.

Busy Mum
Hope today is a good day for you welshmamma (apart from TOTM) x
Well done sticking with it today and not giving up. You should be very proud of yourself. How much weight do you want to lose?

Busy Mum
I really need to loose three stone :-/ but I'm not sure whether to stick this for a month and then try primal or go LT for a bit longer x what about you?

I keep having to remind myself not lick my fingers after preparing rug rats snacks lol x
I know what you mean about licking your fingers, I still have to keep reminding myself not to do that!

I have a lot of weight to lose. I've lost 13lbs to far but I have another 11st 8lbs to go. I plan to stay on Lipotrim until I do it which will hopefully be end of June 2013!

You'll have your 3 stone off in no time. If you stick to LT you will be done and dusted well before the end of November! See how you feel in a months time.

Yes I really plan to stay on it for 10 months, 100%, no breaks. I'm sure Xmas will be tough but I've been thinking about it and it really is just 1 day. I'm hoping by then that my weight loss so far will keep me motivated to stick to it.

Good luck x x your truly determined and at least with this diet you see the results quickly x i have done SW and the most I have ever lost in a week is two pounds and WW Is about the same and it feels like an uphill battle x fingers crossed by Christmas we will be feeling much better and I'd rather look and feel better than stuff my face lol xxx