Step 1 Sole Source + Diary of a fat bird! are doing really really well..keep up the good work. Its amazing how we find this diet easier than diets with foods, but I think its like any addiction, the best way forward is abstinence..for a while anyway. Day at a time, thats what I am doing! :)
Hope you don't mind me posting.
WOW Well done I lost 6lb in my first week started last week. Was so proud I didn't even cheat but this week
ive decided to do ss+ I missed chewing haha. Food that I'm allowed isn't very exciting though. How are you all getting
on today?

Sarah xx
bettyboo2012 said:
Wow I just been v bad! Just went mad eating food! Feel like such a failure!!!!! Grrrrr

Don't be too hard on yourself. 2mrow is a new day xxxx