Difference between simply filling and extra easy on slimming world


Full Member
I have been doing the extra easy on slimming world which basically gives you a list of free foods, although you are supposed to try and have 1/3 superfree fruit and veg with your meals, and then count anything extra as syns. Just wondered if anybody on here had done that plan and switched over to simply filling and found it easier or just the same. I did try subscribing to weighwatchers online but found it very difficult to get much info about SF - it all seems to concentrate on counting points.
I have been doing the extra easy on slimming world which basically gives you a list of free foods, although you are supposed to try and have 1/3 superfree fruit and veg with your meals, and then count anything extra as syns. Just wondered if anybody on here had done that plan and switched over to simply filling and found it easier or just the same. I did try subscribing to weighwatchers online but found it very difficult to get much info about SF - it all seems to concentrate on counting points.

I haven't done SW or SF but as far as I understand it, the two plans are very similar however there is a little more flexibility with SF, for example someone mentioned that Crumpets are included on SF but aren't on SW? I'm sure there are plenty of other examples but that's the first one I could think of! Also I think the 49 Weeklies on SF 'buy' you much more than the Syns do, that's what people have said. Sorry I couldn't be more help but that's just the little bits I've picked up. X
I've done both plans and like bits off of both. Sw u can have flavouref yogurts where as on sf its only natural yogurt. On sf u can have tinned fruit u can also make Smoothies which u can't on sw. Porridge is free as is shredded wheat and ww bread ie wraps Pitts bread thick slice included and bagels are all free. This is limited on sw. I did sf from xmas and lost 3 and half stone but have messed about for few months now and gained five pound. I can't decide whether to stick with sf or do sw. I did find on sf that I was satisfied and didn't pick like I do on sw and also found I didn't eat as much. I drink a lot of tea and skimmed milk is free on sf but not sw. It really a very simular diet and is personal preference. Both do work. Things are less points than syns but they tend to even out as u can have 49pp or 70-105 syns so kind of works out the same if that makes sense xx