Differences with SW online membership?


New Member
Hi, I joined SW in early Jan, and I am doing really well, I would never look back. My problem is group related. My consultant is lovely and so are the members but it's not something I enjoy and feel I could spend that time making food or exercising instead. A few weeks I have just weighed in and not stayed but this means asking my family for a lift to the venue which is a bit annoying.

So I have started looking at the online membership. At the moment I use the SW website all the time and I love it.

Is there anything extra for online members, as it costs more than group? I can see it says there are more recipes.

Can anyone tell me of the differences so I can make a wise choice?

Thanks everyone!
Hey i am an online member, but have also been a class member in the past. I don't think there is anything majorly different with what you get as an online member. I paid for the gold package which meant i got the most up to date books and a magazine subscription. I think its mostly the same. Someone else may know better than me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do though xx
I originally joined online but as I had never done anything like SW before I soon realised I didn't know what the bleddy he'll I needed to be doing, so I changed it to group membership although I lost the deal they were running something like 3 months for the price of 2 or something like that :(
pick actually am pleased I went the group route now, as it's nice to be rewarded with a little clap from the group and as I have been slimmer of the week twice you get a little reward for that which is great. I'd try it a bit longer and see if you can give t a go ;) good luck whatever you decide