Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Evening all,

Well, I have to admit to being rather tipsy tonight! I've been good all day...and then I bottled up some sloe gin for my boss's xmas present, and 4 glasses later I seem to be having trouble standing up lol! And that in turn has lead to 2 biscuits and a packet of crisps...and for some reason I'm really craving cheese...Typical as it's wi tomorrow! :rolleyes:

I actually quite enjoyed work today. It was really busy, but everyone was in a good mood as we're so close to Christmas, so it was a good atmosphere.

And of course I had lunch with my gorgeous magnificently endowed sis, which was, as always, an absolute delight! And, she turned up with 3 home made vol au vents for me to try! Well I HAD to have a nibble there and then...and before I knew it I'd finished them off! :17729: And blooming handsome they were too! Thank you sis! x

Gwyn's son and his fiancée popped round this evening with some Christmas presents as they're going to Liverpool for Christmas, so it was nice to have a chat with them.

And now I'm watching The Office Christmas Special on TV and trying very hard to focus on one of these laptop screens so I can look at some diaries lol! :drunk:

Big day for Gwyn tomorrow at the hospital...thanks for all your kind wishes and pms...I'm sure everything will be fine xxx
But you told me they were free...!!! :eek:
You mean...

they WEREN'T????????????????????
No, of course they were.
There were no syns in the recipe, so I didn't put any in.
Phew...you had me worried there for a minute...

Especially in my current inebriated state!

Look at my lovely little baby in her Christmas outfit...!!! (not as nice as yours Sarah of course but still sweet!)


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That is RIDICULOUS (the photos) !!!!! :p

Thinking of you tomorrow.

Gail xx

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Of course vol au vents are free!!! :eek: Everyone knows that, don't they?

Give Gwyn a hug from me :hug99: and one for you too hun :hug99:
Morning...and thank you all x

We're here at the hospital and they've just called Gwyn in so it appears they're running to time.

Gwyns so calm bless him and I'm the one climbing the walls lol!

So I'm hoping that he'll be done really quickly so I can get him back home and curled up on the settee with a cup of tea and some cr@ppy daytime tv!

Chat later guys x
Hi Dawn
hope all goes well today with Gywn's op thinking of you :)

loving your little santa's helper, katelyn, my youngest has fallen in love with her ha ha ;-)
Take care x
I can offer a cuppa if he's in and you're wall-climbing.
I've got something for Gwyn, too.
Evening ladies x

Well everything went really well today thank you x

Gwyn went in bang on time, and ended up having two surgeons operate on 2 different areas! The second was just an area on his forehead which didn't look quite right...so they whipped it out!

He's doing very well, the anaesthetic has almost worn off so the pain is kicking in now, so it's paracetamol every 4 hours. We can take the dressings off on Saturday, and Gwyn has to go back to the hospital next Friday to have the stitches out. And we should get the results by post, so we'll know if any further treatment is needed.

Sorry it's taken me a while to update...it's been a bit mad with prescriptions to pick up, matronly duties to perform, Shirley popping round to deliver pressies and check on the patient, and to top it all it's taster session tonight so I need to shoot off now and do something for that!

Sarah...thanks for being a lovely but not nice sis...coffee was great and gave me time to unwind...so thank you x As for the card...poor Gwyn nearly split his stitches laughing! :8855: It's so good I'm putting it on here...

Thank you everyone for your concern, and Gwyn also wants to pass on his thanks for all you good wishes, so :thankyou:

I'll be back after wi hopefully xxx
One card and one husband...


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What a tab card, well done Sarah!!

To be honest minus those plasters, Gwyn is looking good. He's definitely looking better than me that's for sure!

Glad everything went as well as possible today. Hope you have a lovey time at club tonight. I was gutted I missed ours. There were hampers, slow cooks, free year subscription to SW magazine and gift vouchers for shops given out as part of raffles and different competitions, as well as party food so sounded a blast.

Have a great evening, you deserve it xxx

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