Disgusted with the way I look.


Full Member
I'm sat here crying at the moment so please baer with me.

My name is Nicole *waves* I am 22 and I have 2 children, Hannah aged 2 and Olivia aged 6. I work from home as a Childminder and have a few other children to look after. I've always been judgemental with the way that I look.
I've tried weight watchers, slimming world, Dukan Diet, Cambridge Diet, Atkins, Harcombe Diet. I don't want to diet anymore, I want to change my eating habits but I have no idea how to do that!

So far over the past 7 days I've had a takeout almost every night. We moved on saturday and currently have no fridge til tomorrow so not been able to do a shop.

On average, I walk 2 and a half hours 2 days a week, and 3 and a half hours 3 days a week, not to mention housework, park trips, running around with the children etc.

My eating is generally ''alright'' during the day, I can't remember the last timeI had my 5 a day, I don't drink much water, I snack a lot, I don't eat breakfast or lunch and I'm a sucker for bread, love my bread I do! I had 5 croissants today o_O

Anyway I get motivated in the beginning, I don't have a lot of money so I'd rather not join a 'club'. My motivation quickly fades regardless if I 'm loosing weight or not, I just crave chocolate so bad it actually does make me cry :(

My ideal weight would be 9.5 stone, and I am currently 12 stone.

Please help, I want to love my body, I want to be healthier and fitter and be a good role model for all the children. I feel so overwhelmed.
Hey Nicole,

I'm in a really similar situation to you! I'm about to turn 21 and I'm 12 stone and I just don't know how I let my body get to this! I'm no guru on diets or nutrition and I'm yet to lose weight myself!
What I'm doing is monitoring what I eat on my fitness pal app on my phone (it's a free app). If you don't have a phone that can get apps you can do it online. It tells you how many calories you need to be consuming for your ideal weight. I like it as it's not restricting me to certain foods, I can eat what I want to meet the amount.
I also have the Paul McKenna 'I can make you thin' app. This also comes as a book and its all about changing your attitude to food.
The final thing I'm doing is sticking these Wilko slimming patches on me! They were only around £2 for two weeks so I thought I'd give them a go. I've done 4 days now and I've noticed I feel full more often and I can only eat a few biscuits before it makes me queasy. So I think they are making a difference.
I have no idea if my methods are any good! I just know I'm addicted to sweet things and so to go on a strict diet would drive me crazy.
I really think you can do it though! It just sounds like you get exercise it's just the eating thing.
Really hope you can figure something out that works for you.
Just want to leave you some hugs. I'm new but this forum seems great. I have 1 little boy who is almost 9 months and I understand that self loathing feeling. I have more weight to lose than you but we all fall off the wagon at times. Keep at it and remember you're human, you make mistakes. You're making a lifestyle change, not just losing weight xxx
What works for me is to eat in a traditional way. That means three meals a day and I don't eat anything between meals. It took awhile, but I soon learned just how much to eat at each meal so as not to be starving by the next one. Then when I got use to that, I began to make myself stick to just one plate of food at each meal with no extra helpings. Gradually I made the portions smaller until now, I use a small bowl and plate only. This way of eating is easy, doesn't restrict foods and as one gets use to eating only at meal times, changes to the types of food can be made for health reasons. It is also a way to keep from feeling so overwhelmed and a way to help yourself get a normal eating lifestyle going.

Hope you find your right path to health, it can be so exciting to find what works best for you!
Also want to send you some hugs. The best advice I was once given was 'real life takes over sometimes,' so don't beat yourself up over not having a fridge. Situations can't be perfect all the time.

I've never liked how I look, even when I was a size 10-12 it wasn't good enough. I feel now (at a size 16-18) how to appreciate that size and I keep telling myself I've learnt a lesson but until I get there again I'm so disgusted in myself and want it to just disappear, or hide myself away. I'm dreading going back to work on Tuesday (after 2 weeks off) because I doubt my work clothes are going to fit, it is so embarrassing going through the system asking for bigger sizes all the time or being told my own trousers aren't appropriate. I can't remember when I last looked in the mirror properly.

Do you write down what you have ate? Have you thought about the little but often approach?

I think it is about finding what is right for you and not taking on too much at once, small goals to be successful in the long term. Since cutting out one thing, fizzy drinks I have lost 2lbs this week! My head is only just catching up too, I won't starve myself ever again.

It doesn't matter how much friends tell me I'm fine and not to worry, it doesn't matter because we want to be healthy -body and mind. That is what I like about this website, no-one is going to tell me what they think I want to hear and others here know how it feels to be in despair. You're not alone!