Do you get to a point?


A happy downward spiral
Do you get to a point where you realise that you can loose weight doing this and you dont always second guess yourself?
Im finding that everyday im thinking to myself "I know im going to have put on this week. I just know it" and I want to get out of doing it but does that ever really stop?

I was looking at my countdown there in stones and looked at 14 and cannot EVER imagine that id get there.

When does it click?
Does it?
I think we all have some point where we think surely we cant eat THAT.
Or how come i can eat all of this and the weight falls off whereas before it didnt....its really an odd concept at times.
But your doing fab !!!

We always think every week we'll have put on! LOL x
Although I think sliming world works wonderfully well I don't think you can ever be 100% sure you will have lost even if you have had a good week as sometimes it doesn't seem understandable but there may be a maintain or even gain that creeeps in. I do think though that slimming world works and though when doing it (or any eating plan) we are bound to be anxious because it is so important to us that it is working.

I think just keep at it! and even though I have lost 7 stone 2 I still get anxious every week and most of the time it is a sense of relief when I lose and is all worth it! :) Good Luck!
I was convinced I was slimmer this week and the scales showed a STS - but I know that I can do it this time - I am just hoping that this time I can keep it off as I've done it before and I think the maintenance side of SW is going to be difficult - I am quite worried about getting to target?
I don`t mind a small loss or even a sts .... would be a bit gutted if i put on, especially if i`d really, really tried hard that week .... i suppose that is where the nerves come from (?), as if you`ve been ever so good, you`d be gutted to get on and have gained ... I know i`d feel very close to falling off the waggon, and that`s where my worries from getting on the scales come from.

I think it is just a case of getting the weeks/months under your belt, of more losses than gains, and then hopefully it will start to sink in :)
So glad to have read all your comments! I'm new to slimming world (on day 6 of my first week) and its taking a lot of willpower not to jump on the scales to check i haven't gained! I have stuck to the plan pretty much 100% apart from one day ending up with 16.5 syns (dinner at friends :( ) but i just feel like its not possible to lose weight while being able to eat so much!! :confused: