Do you think it's alright if I have my shakes at night?


Slim for Summer!
Weird question, I know..

I just find that as soon as I have a shake, I get SUPER hungry.. even if I wasn't hungry at all before drinking it.

Do you think it's 'safe' to just have them all at night before I go to bed? I know it's weird but, the hunger really puts me offtrack and makes me want to eat. :\

Any scientific reason as to why this wouldn't work? Thanks! :] x
You really need to spread them out because they are packed with vitamins and nutrients and they would no doubt overload your body and I guess u would be sick....
U could just try half a shake in the morning then a full shake at around 3pm then a full one at 7pm then the other half when u need it later on in the evening?
Yes I agree split them into two smaller packs and have 6 small shakes etc may help
I have the same problem but i imagin if u gulp them all down together it might just have some weird affect on ur stomach lol (toilet issues perhaps lol!). I try to hold off til lunchtime before i have my first one, 4pm for my second one and i do WS so have a meal at about 7. When i did TS i found it helped me to half my packs and have 6 smaller shakes throughout the day x