Doctor Wont Sign My Form

To be honest her attitude doesn't bode well - even if she is overrun with clients someone who is going to be rude when dealing with you is unlikely to create a helpful atmosphere during classes. Is there another class nearby which you could attend instead? You pay a lot extra for LL because of the councilling and you need the right person for that.
That seems a shame about the counsellor, but congrats on getting the form signed! That is the hard part done, and I am sure the group will sort itself out soon. Just think how determined you will be to succeed after overcoming these obstacles! Funny how the nice Doc you saw was a woman - mine was too. Our male Doc doesn't want to know!
To be honest her attitude doesn't bode well - even if she is overrun with clients someone who is going to be rude when dealing with you is unlikely to create a helpful atmosphere during classes. Is there another class nearby which you could attend instead? You pay a lot extra for LL because of the councilling and you need the right person for that.

That is exactly what I thought, I do totally understand that this time of year she may be extremely busy but then her not answering my 2 texts in her opinion was because she had no information to give me therefore pointless in texting back, but I consider this as rude and as she is ignoring my texts. A reply to say, that she has no information yet but she will be in touch as soon as she does, shows commitment, compassionate and above all acknowledges the message. In my job I deal with customers every day and I wouldn’t dream of ignoring somebody because I have not got all the information needed. I just think that is rude and plain ignorance.

And as for her groups being busy, I totally understand this, but should she have given me a start date if she had people on the waiting list long before me, then surely this place should have been given to them and not promised to me.

I am just incredibly frustrated!