Does Anyone ....

I go on my own and I really enjoy going, it's only a small group but everyone is so lovely. I went with my best friend a few years ago and she didn't take it seriously and ended up persuading me to skip image therapy and go for a Chinese!!!
I am meant to go with my nanny, but she only stops for 10 minutes and then rushes off to work, so am on my own (well have my little boy with me) The group are friendly, but I am painfully shy with people I don't know and am only now really starting to talk to people properly, and am not sitting at the back with my buggy anymore! x
Well that has definitely inspired me to go to a group now... I'm quite surprised at how many people go on there own.. I do think support will help and also theres still a lot I don't understand and hopefully going to a group will make it all easier ... Thanks everybody :D ...x
Glad you have decided to go to class. I also go alone and everyone is very friendly. I sometimes think that good to go alone as if going with someone and they skip class it is putting temptation for you to do the same.
İ started on my own and its the best thing ive ever done!havent looked back since and ive got my mam and sister to join too
i go on my own, i sit with different people every week and sometimes just sit on my own, but i like it that way, its my time for a change
I also go on my own, it was very daunting at first but they were and are so friendly and welcoming! Like alot of people have already mentioned, I do tend to sit with different people each week which does make it interesting and you do pick up lots of tips that way. Go for it you wont regret it! But remember you always have the support of us on here too!
I go on my own, I don't always stay for IT as Monday is my day off I'm running about all day then to group and then home for tea. So I'm often too hungry to stay!

Can I suggest something a bit mad? If you're shy and worried it will show in your face and may make you look a bit cross and unapproachable.
Try smiling at people and if that makes you feel like a loon, replay a happy time in your head, a funny moment or a joke you heard recently, just thinking it will lighten your face and people will warm to you x
I go on my own and I think most people do. But I am not on my own once I get there!

Getting to know new people takes a bit of effort - but then anything worth while takes effort, doesn't it?

There is always someone to talk to - if the people I know are busy chatting among themselves then I will go and talk to someone who looks new and nervous.
I go on my own (but the meeting is held in a community centre opposite from where my mum still lives, so I did recognise a lot of faces and friends from the past! Which was nice!).

But, saying that, I've joined lots of classes and I've not known anyone. I'm not that shy, but i don't find it easy making small talk tbh. It's never put me off and I've never really come across classes there weren't welcoming.

Good luck lovely!!

I go on my own and am starting to make friends. I tried an evening class with my C but it wasn't as welcoming so I now go to a morning class with the same C and its much better.
I go on my own. I think that was probably the hardest part - walking in for the first meeting alone. And every week so far I have said I wont stay so I can go home to eat dinner... and every week I have stayed! I dont really talk to many people there - there's a lot of friends and "cliques" in my WI, but a couple of people ask how its going etc and i quite like just having the anonimity (sp??) of it all. No one knows me and cannot judge me. Plus I get an hour or so peace from home - bliss!
I go on my own too, because of work commitments I go to different timed groups each week, same consultant though.

Everyone is friendly and welcoming and I don't mind speakin up and having a say if I want to.

Like a lot of you I prefer not to go with friends because I don't want the competition element and the temptation not to stay to group.