Does drinking more water help weight loss?

I've stopped worrying about loose skin now to be honest. I figure well if it's going to happen it's gong to happen. I'm 22 so have age on my side but otherwise there's not a lot I can do about it! I'm trying to do a decent amount of toning exercise and moisturise but there's no point stressing about it really. I figure better excess skin than excess fat! Sit ups... blurgh I hate sit ups, and crunches. My ab roller just arrived, it looks like a decent one for £25 from amazon. So I'm going to try and make myself do at least 50 a day. That's actually only a couple of minutes so it's highly doable!

Am feeling a little rough, but not too bad. To be honest it doesn't take much for me to not want to go to work! Finding a new job as soon as possible I think!! I think I've got the start of a cold though, bit croaky etc. What's your plan for the day? How do you like Cambridge? I came for the day recently for an interview and had a wander around while I saw there, really liked it. Is very pretty.
Hi - sorry, been out for coffee and at mum's all afternoon!
I don't live in Cambridge sweetie, that's just the diet! I am up in Liverpool. I have worked with clients there before now though and I agree it is very pretty.
Thought about going for a walk today but it is really windy and rainy so put it off until tomorrow. Going to settle down with X Factor later, after I have done a bit more housework! I am OBSESSED with housework at the mo.
You definitely have time on your side with the skin thing - I am 36, so I don't! Looks like sit ups are on the way!
Tomorrow is hanging basket day! Garden centre and then soil under the fingernails all afternoon. Great way to distract yourself.
Ellie xx
haha I feel a bit silly there!! For some reason I thought it said Location: Cambridge! Silly me! I don't think I've actually ever been to Liverpool yet, though my friend is from between Southport, Manchester and Liverpool and is always trying to make us all go there for a visit! Obsessed with housework?! Well you can come do some here if you want!! Have you had a nice day?
Not bad at all!! I have to say, I am SICK of black coffee and water though. I just want a cup of tea with milk in...but I haven't caved yet.
Between Southport, Manchester and Liverpool?? Ormskirk?
Are you feeling better?
My mate who I went for coffee with has just set up a business bringing stuff over from Kenya - apparently I have a fan over there!! He has seen my picture and thinks I look nice! Not sure there's a future in that relationship though, but I appreciate the comment!
Hmm soup or porridge for tea? x
I'm having the same debate myself! Might have soup and then porridge later, it's either that or two porridges tomorrow! Hehe well it's always nice to receive such a compliment! It's a shame I only get such compliments from men I don't like! One day... one day! ;) Umm I can't think of what the place is called, maybe it begins with R, but I'm not sure!!
Tell me about it! The ones you are not interested in are always the ones who chase!
So, do I have my bath before or after X factor? Am thinking would like to do it when it is dark, cos have bought gorgeous new candle (another obsession). But wondering if I will be bothered after an hour of watching telly. God, my life is sooo hard! x
What time is x factor? Do you mean Britain's Got Talent? Candles are good! My sister does Partylite, I love their candles, though slightly expensive. Dark bathroom with candles makes for a really nice bath actually!
I mean BGT. That's the lack of sugar in my bloodstream...!
Yep, I will wait til it goes dark for my bath, and then I think it's a fake tan evening. x
Quarter past eight x