Doing Cambridge in Cambridge!


Well, having already tried to post this and lost it all I will try again!
I am now on day 5 and started last Thursday with the same CDC as I had 4 years ago when I lost nearly 4 stone. Then I felt like I had never before felt- happy, confident and NORMAL! But nothing had changed and old habits returned and now here I am back where I started. I now realise completely that I must a) re condition my thinking about food and my emotions and b) complete the maintainance stage.

So - day 5 and its not been easy and yes, the evenings are the worst and mornings are great when I wake up feeling ready for the day and fairly excited about my success! I have weighed on my own scales and am monitoring on them as I have trusted them for years! First weigh in tomorrow morning with CDC. Have been reading this site for a while and wonder how it may help if I give it a go so thats what I'm doing! Not really sure what I am doing as hopeless on any site like this ...but will have a go..
My approach is to have small goals, nothing too huge or unachievable. First mini goal is to get into the next stone bracket. Overall first stage goal is to get to 15stone which is 2.5 stones away so very achievable!! This is where I got to last time and felt so very good! I can then review again! Make your goals achievable, realistic and right for you is my motto!!