Eat your vegetables!


Finding inspiration
Like quite a few on here, I have noticed that... how do I put this... I haven't been as regular as I used to be. It's really been bothering me. It wasn't like this when I first started, but really has just been the last couple months. I don't go regularly, and when I do, it's a struggle. I even eat a lot of fruit and drink adequate fluids.

But it occurred to me the other day when I was making my tea, when I first started, I used to eat piles of veg. Even if I was just having a quickie meal, like a packet of Pasta-n-Sauce, I'd throw some veg in at the beginning and cook it all together. But in recent months, I haven't been doing that... I've been relying on free foods, having rice, pasta... jacket potato with beans. And though technically, I'm not doing anything wrong, I have all but ceased eating any significant quantity of vegetables, apart from maybe a carrot in some stew or something, and some salad at lunch.

So this week I have tried to make a point, at every meal, of really loading my plate with veg. For instance, for my tea last night I had a Quorn cutlet and while that was cooking, I loaded my steamer with cabbage, green beans, brussels sprouts and peas, and left that to cook while the Quorn was in the oven. I sat down to eat and my plate was probably 2/3 veg.

Anyway, the point I'm making is, over the course of the week, I have noticed a gradual increase in my 'digestive transit'. Slowly at first, as all the blocked up stuff started to shift (sorry!:eek:), to where I am now, it's MUCH better. At this point I am convinced that the reason I got so blocked up is because of my reduced vegetable consumption. I became too reliant on the free, stodgy stuff.

Anyway, unpleasant a topic as this is (!!), I thought it might be helpful to share it with others in case you're having the same trouble.
I know what you mean. I have bran flakes every morning for breakfast to help compensate for that too - makes a difference!
My bowel habit has changed since late Feb 9 (started SW in January 09)and I put it down to the diet, but thought i would check it out with GP.Was sent for urgent colonoscopy, and on Tuesday had biopsies taken of three 'polyps'(small overgrowth of tissue) in my colon and am waiting for the results. The only reason I am mentioning this on here is that changing diet is often the main cause of change in bowel habits but it you are in any doubt please see your GP. Sorry to be doom and gloom! (posted in previous thread)
I had the same thought a week ago when I looked at what Speed Foods everyone was eating. Have lost 3lbs this week, mainly down the loo I think!

Have swopped a cooked brekkie for fruit and yoghurt, am having salad for lunch everyday with Krisprolls (more fibre!) and something plus lots of veg for tea. :eat:

And I'm pleased to say my digestive transit seems to have got used to it now and settled down. Yay !
You should always try to eat a minimum of 80g of 5 different fruits and veggies a day, for health reasons. What I like about this plan as opposed to WW is that you dont have to weigh your fruit - I rarely ate fruit on ww now I fill up on all fruits and veggies.