

Full Member
I just couldn't cope - I ate toast, ravioli, Chinese and maltesers today

I've got till Monday to flush it out with water and hopefully not show a gain, is it do-able?

Just been so down :-(
It happens your human we fall off the wagon sometimes but its just a case of getting back on again.

I cant say if ur going to remain the same weight u might put on a pound or 2 if not you might have just knocked urself out of ketosis so expect a headache , but just give it 100% to ur next weigh in and hopefully it wont matter.

Its not worth the torture after when ur beating yourself up about it.

Let me know how you get on hun hope ur ok

E x
I am sure there are a few of us on here who have had a similar experience. The best advice my CDC gave me was a list of foods to head for if I really have to eat, and they include: chicken, eggs, salmon (though not officially on the SS+ list) and tuna etc. all things that don't have carbs, but oh my you really do appreciate them when you need them and they don't do any damage (I am talking when really desperate not all the time). All the foods you ate were high in carbs and therefore more likely to effect the diet, you will probably have retained water that will come back off so it may have put your losses off a couple of days. If you really are struggling perhaps you could move up a stage so you can have more food.

I bet you didn't even enjoy it either did you (though Chinese.... yum). Good luck getting back on track.
I had a planned break for just over 4 days which were carb and alcohol fuelled. Bad news is I put on 2lbs, good news is I've had no issue with returning to the plan aside from a couple of mood swings but have found it much more manageable than getting through the first week of the plan!
Part of me felt glad to be back on it and get that light feeling back as I felt so heavy after the carbs but I am really missing food as a result - not any of the food available on SS+ or Step 2 mind ;-)

Hardest thing to do is to get yourself into the routine of the plan and getting used to not eating and trying to train yourself not to see food as a treat - once you get there it becomes a little easier. Good luck!
Thank you, been back on it 100% today, ive just realised im leading up to time of the month and thats why ive been a raving looney lol, i will trat this a s a blip and carry on my way to being slim :)
I lost 1lb!! Totally shocked!