Extra Easy Eeeek! I can feel my ribs!

I cannot wait til it's my turn!!! Lucky you! Well done

Thanks :) I still have a way to go- and a LOT of toning up to do (I didn't think I'd have this much sagginess :( ) but I'll look frigging awesome when I'm at target :)

with my gorgeous bikini bod ;) (rofl- i couldn't even type that with a straight face)
Thanks :) I still have a way to go- and a LOT of toning up to do (I didn't think I'd have this much sagginess :( ) but I'll look frigging awesome when I'm at target :)

with my gorgeous bikini bod ;) (rofl- i couldn't even type that with a straight face)
You've done sooooooo well and are such an inspiration to me and so many others I'm sure.

My friend swears by pilates for toning (she lost just under 4 stones with calorie counting and lots of exercise and is still losing). She finds that it is the only one that is changing her body shape. I'm sure there are other brilliant toning exercises out there. This is just one that works for her. I've done it and love it but am still new to it. Seems to be doing something as I'm always sore afterward so it must be tightening something right?!!! xx
I too get excited the more prominent my bones get. Well done!
LittleFlutterby said:
i squeed last night because I realised that my thighs weren't rubbing together when I was walking!
I can't wait for this to happen! But i am going to have to investigate some toning type exercises because i am beginning to feel a bit saggy!
I love this thread! I remember feeling my ribs :)

I go to Curves and have found that I am toning up really well. I actually look good from a side angle!