Eggs - Daily Mail News Article

I love this comment one reader left:

'Here we go again. I suggest everyone tries to eat at least one scientist a week. You can get all the protein you need from one big nut.'
- T Fryer, Kent, 09/3/2010 14:27

I love this comment one reader left:

'Here we go again. I suggest everyone tries to eat at least one scientist a week. You can get all the protein you need from one big nut.'
- T Fryer, Kent, 09/3/2010 14:27


Brilliant! Although I think the problem is not so much with the scientists but with the journalists.

Take the article from the Mail on fruit, which is being discussed in another thread. When you get past the headline and the first few paragraphs, the quotations from the scientists make sense - it is after all SW policy that smoothies and pureed fruit are to be synned. (The problem is that most people reading newspapers never get beyond the first paragraph!!)

The article talks about not having more than 74g of fructose, then goes on to say Though this is the equivalent of ten apples or 30 oranges, you'd need only just over three large smoothies to top this figure (one smoothie contains around 23g of fructose).

Which is exactly what SW says - I doubt if anyone here would sit down and eat that amount of apples and oranges, but a smoothie slips down in no time.

The article even says "everything in moderation" - now where have we heard that before!!