Discover Emilys Diary


Silver Member
Hey all

Well I've decided to come back to WW but do the old system that I tried out years ago which worked as it made me think more healthy. I currently weigh 11st10lbs and would like to get down to 8 stone as I'm short so need to get my head down to get to that weight.

As I'm doing the old system I have 19 points :) So food diary for today;

Oatibix & Milk - 3.5
4 Crackerbread & Philly - 2

Saving the rest as think I'm off out later, depending on how little one is feeling :)
well saturday went a bit to pot as i ended up up the hospital with my little one, hes fine now just a bit of a temp which is now coming down with calpol/ibuprofen so back on properly tomorrow! hes meant to be back at school but hes been asleep on the sofa since we've come back (just over an hour) so not sure :/
Poor little mite. Hope he feels better soon xx
Thank you, hes perked up a bit but not enough for school, rung them this morning and they even said he wasnt the only one so it looks like something going around. Hes still asleep at the moment but at 10:30pm he actually wanted dinner :eek: so at least hes ate and kept it down.

Day 1 (again)
Nutrigrain cereal biscuits - 3
Cracker bread & Philly - 3.5
baked beans/jacket potato & chicken - 8.5
aero mousse - 2
alpen - 1

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Day one done and dusted :D :D
When I was dieting last year I didnt like to eat after 6pm as I'd find I'd not lose much so I'm sticking to the same rule this time round :) hopefully it'll work!
Anyways I haven't felt deprived or anything today and have planned tomorrows day already but it might change, depending if we take the little one out for some fresh air - hes not going into school again as hes developed a pink eye so taking to doctors at least! Hes been asleep most of the evening too - bless him :(
Day one done and dusted :D :D
When I was dieting last year I didnt like to eat after 6pm as I'd find I'd not lose much so I'm sticking to the same rule this time round :) hopefully it'll work!
Anyways I haven't felt deprived or anything today and have planned tomorrows day already but it might change, depending if we take the little one out for some fresh air - hes not going into school again as hes developed a pink eye so taking to doctors at least! Hes been asleep most of the evening too - bless him :(

Poor little mite. Hopefully cool fresh air will kill somenof those nasty bugs! I hate eating late. But I get so hungry in the evenings! Find it hard to cram in everything during the day.

Gratz of the first day done and dusted.
Thank you, it turns out he has hand foot and mouth disease with conjunctivitis, at the hospital at the weekend they said it was a viral infection so close enough lol, just now hes come out in the spots. Lol if I were to eat late in the evenings I'd only eat very light snacks - typically those low in points so a crackerbread with some philly or something. How are you doing? xx
Thank you, it turns out he has hand foot and mouth disease with conjunctivitis, at the hospital at the weekend they said it was a viral infection so close enough lol, just now hes come out in the spots. Lol if I were to eat late in the evenings I'd only eat very light snacks - typically those low in points so a crackerbread with some philly or something. How are you doing? xx

Aww! Hope it clears up asap!

Im doing ok. Have kept being sick for the last couple of days. So not eaten very much. But slow and steady wins the race so im not too bothered about what weigh in says haha! Sts or a loss will do me fine.