Emma’s Diary - Size 24-12 baby! 8st 0.5lb lost! ** TARGET MEMBER **

I think you are right Emma about the salads I can't see them being anymore than 4 or 5 syns. Nearly weigh in time?! Nervous.
0.5lb off!!!

Happy with that because it's a loss and in the right direction!!!

My lovely consultant, Jodie has advised me to cut my syns to 70 a week because she says my body is trying to maintain it's weight by using all my syns, if that makes sense?

So that's my plan for the week :)

Off to feel the burn at Kettlecise now :D
Yay ! well done Em's that's terrific ! :D A step closer to target ! So happy for you hun ! :) Enjoy your exercise, hope you have a smashing evening !

Kay xx
Yayyyyy absolutely fantastic :). Enjoy your class this eve :) x
Well done!!! Sounds like a good plan x
Aww Emma you little super star! Well done, one step closer to that goal! :) xxx
Wednesday 30th April 2014

Goooood morning everyone! Happy hump day. This week is flying in!

Today is a brand new start to a new Slimming World week, I'm 5.5lbs away from my target weight and I need to push myself to get there. As I said last night, my consultant has advised me to cut my syns to 70 this week - So I'm going to stick to 54 for through the week (That's an average of 9 syns per day until Tuesday), and then keep 16 syns for Tuesday after weigh in. Sounds a plan to me, just hope I can stick to it, haha.

I've woken up with stiff legs & back, god Kettlecise killed me last night, it was absolutely roasting, even with the emergency exit doors open but I thoroughly enjoy it. I've got Step & Tone class tonight at 7pm so I'm looking forward to that.

Have a great day!

Todays food...


Quaker Oats So Simple Multigrain honey porridge sachet (HExB) made with milk (HExA) topped with banana, strawberries & raspberries

Mid-morning snack:
- Melon, strawberries, raspberries, banana & pomegranate seeds topped with Muller banana & custard yogurt
- Caramel shortbread mini (4.5syns)

Ham slices, chive & onion cottage cheese with carrots

Snack before Step & Tone:
Banana & coconut & vanilla greek style yogurt

Asda Light & Lovely Chicken & Mango salad bowl (Not sure on the syns so I'm counting 5syns)

Evening snacks:
Salted caramel Hi-Fi bar (HExB)

HExA - 250ml semi-skimmed milk
HExB - Quaker Oats So Simple Multigrain honey porridge sachet
HExB - Salted caramel Hi-Fi bar

Daily syns: 9.5
Weekly syns: 9.5/70
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Food sounds lovely today! Well done again on your loss last night :) all going in the right direction. I can't believe you're so close to target now!! It's all very exciting.
Hi Emma,

Your food always looks so yummy. Swear I think I drool a bit when I read it!! hopefully the lower syns will help and I bet you will hit your target very soon :) x
Thursday 1[SUP]st[/SUP] May

Good morning everyone,

1[SUP]st[/SUP] May already?? This year is absolutely flying in! It’ll be Christmas before we know it, haha! 2 holidays to go on before then though, and a full Summer to enjoy! Whoop whoop!

I really enjoyed Step & Tone last night and I’m off to Metafit & Kettlebells tonight, bring on that bikini body for my summer hols lol.

Having another Red day today and I’m managing my 70 syns OK so far :)

Hope everyone has a nice day.

Todays foods…


Melon, raspberries, banana & pomegranate seeds covered in banana & custard Muller yogurt

Mid-morning snack:
Alpen bar (Part HExB) with a lemon greek style yogurt

- Tuna mayo (Tuna, Extra light mayo (2syns) & spring onion) in a Weight Watchers pittabread (HExB) witha slice of ham
- Banana & pomegranate seeds covered in banana & custard Muller yogurt

2x BBQ Chicken fillet (1syn) & ham salad (Lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes) with grated cheese (HExA)

Evening snacks:
Alpen light bar (Part HExB)
Malteser hot chocolate drink (3.5syns)

HExA – 30g Cheese
HExB – Weight Watchers Pittabread
HExB – 2x Alpen light bars

Daily syns: 6.5
Weekly syns: 16/105
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Ohhh I really miss metafit and kettlebells. I really noticed the difference on my body with just one class a week.
Once the 10k training is over, I'm going to make more time to do classes again.
I'm having another hungry day today!!!
Banana and custard Muller - had totally forgotten about those!! Haven't had one in ages, I'll be on the hunt for one now lol :)

Have a good day Emma xx
Banana and custard Muller - had totally forgotten about those!! Haven't had one in ages, I'll be on the hunt for one now lol :)

Have a good day Emma xx

Oh they're lovely eh. So sweet :) they're only available in the Asda by where I live though. I've enver seen them in my Tesco.

Have a lovely day too :) xx
I only ever see them in Asda too, or Morrisons. I love the Bali coconut and lime flavour yogurt too, I can only get hold of those in Asda as well.
Friday 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] May

Gooood morning everyone,

I’ve woken up feeling really fat today! Argghhh, I haven’t had a ‘fat day’ for ages! So I’ve been naughty and jumped on the scales whilst in my pj’s. They showed 11st!! How is that possible? I was 10st 13lb at weigh in & I’ve only had 16 syns since Tuesday and I’ve munched on looooads of superfree / superspeed foods. Hmmm, I maybe shouldn’t have had a sneaky look, but it’s made me more determind to have a good bank holiday weekend food wise now.
Do you think I should up my syns? As I normally have 15 a day or try too. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do, I’ll have 10 a day over the weekend and stick to red days I think.

Oh well, at least it’s Friday eh! This week has flew in which is a bonus :D I’m off to the cinema with Liam, Carly & Jamie tonight, we're having a little double date night. We’re going to see the new Paul walker film, Brick Mansion, hope it’s a good watch.

I’ve got nothing really planned for the weekend though, just hope it’s nice weather so I can get out and about.

Have a nice day everyone!

Todays food…

Extra Easy

Alpen light bar (Part HExB) with tangerines & a cup of green tea

Mid-morning snack:
Melon, raspberries & pomegranate seeds covered with banana & custard Muller yogurt

- Asda Light & Lovely Sweet chilli chicken noodle salad (I put the calories/fat content etc in the syn calculator & it came out with 5syns)
- Banana, apple & pomegranate seeds covered with banana & custard Muller yogurt

2x Linda McCartney red onion & rosemary sausages with beans, grilled tomatoes & cheesy sweet potato skins (Thanks Stevie :))

Evening snacks:
Skips (4.5syns)
Alpen light bar (Part HExB)

HExA – 30g Cheese
HExB – 2x Alpen light bars

Daily syns: 9.5
Weekly syns: 25.5/70
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Sounds like a yummy day Emma! I'm the same, I had a sneaky peak this morning as feeling a little bloated/chubster, and the scales are showing a small gain without any clothes on?!
Dislike. I very rarely have all 15 syns in a day, but I might start trying to give it a go after this week as not got too much on at all until holidays after this weekend.

I think that all the exercise we do does cause our bodies to react differently to the plan, most of the people I know have slower losses when they do hardcore body magic rather than just a gentle stroll every now and then, but I think what we actually feel like matters more than the number on the scales, just keep up with the body magic, you might find that your body tones up but stays a similar weight but that your happy with how you are?

Sounds like a yummy day Emma! I'm the same, I had a sneaky peak this morning as feeling a little bloated/chubster, and the scales are showing a small gain without any clothes on?!
Dislike. I very rarely have all 15 syns in a day, but I might start trying to give it a go after this week as not got too much on at all until holidays after this weekend.

I think that all the exercise we do does cause our bodies to react differently to the plan, most of the people I know have slower losses when they do hardcore body magic rather than just a gentle stroll every now and then, but I think what we actually feel like matters more than the number on the scales, just keep up with the body magic, you might find that your body tones up but stays a similar weight but that your happy with how you are?


Yeah I'm hoping it's water weight or something from exercising! I'm hoping so anyway because I've stuck to plan 100%

Anywho we've still got another 4 days left until WI, I think I'll be checking the scales every morning now though...