Enough is enough is enough!


Full Member
Tried the CD a few years ago and just couldn't do it, fast forward to now and I've been feeling the most down about my weight than I ever have before.

So enough is enough is enough. I feel quite strong mentally at the moment and I need to do something and I need to do it now! So I'm doing SS and basically just going for it. Will take it one day at a time and see how it goes...
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Days 1-3

The first 2 days have not been too bad. I'm lucky that I have a great husband, and a 16 daughter, who are supporting me by taking over the cooking so I don't have to deal with that. Although I did have to help my daughter to do the roast dinner yesterday as she's not had much experience doing that :D

I was even feeling strong enough to sit down to dinner with the family on the first 2 days.

Today, day 3, is turning out to be a bit more of a struggle. I'm feeling really hungry, still strong on determination though, but just not feeling as in control as the previous 2 days. I'm drinking LOTS of water - around 4-5 litres a day. Is this too much? I couldn't resist jumping on the scales though this morning and was pleased to see that I had lost 3lbs - 3lbs in just 2 days!!! That is helping to keep me motivated.

Looking forward to when ketosis is supposed to kick in and the hunger pangs lessen.
Day 4

Feeling really, really low today. Hungry and feeling tired :( Have stuck to it all day though and drunk plenty of water.
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Thanks Becky :) It's all a mental battle but everyday I wake up determined to keep strong, but its hard to think like that as the day goes on.

This site helps thiugh, its so encouraging reading others stories.
hey jools!

i drink 8 pints ish a day - dont know what that is in litres! wow my daughters only 18months - cant wait til she can cook a roast dinner ha ha!

Lola x
Well done jools for staying strong. It's really hard to fight the demons in your head isn't it but you seem to be doing really well. You must be so strong sitting down with your family while they eat, I got to hide upstairs lol xxxx
Agreed, takes quite a bit of willpower to watch other people eat. I just sort of sneak off into the den when my wife's having dinner, and try to get some work done.

People starting CD always inspire me to keep it up, so thanks for sharing! I'll keep coming back for more inspiration :)
Hey Jools, after day 4 it should start to improve, and you will start to get some energy back! I was like a wet lettuce for the first 4 days, but now i'm back in the gym and swimming, and i'm at nearly a 2 stone loss in 6 weeks, so hang on in there, you CAN do it
Day 5

Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

Lola the time will fly by too quickly and before you know it your daughter will be cooking roast dinners... and having boy troubles, being moody, talking about going away to university... Lol... No, i must admit my daughter is lovely and I feel really blessed to be her mum! (or Momma as she calls me!). My others are aged 13 & 9 but the time does go so quick :(

Day 5 was pretty good, I did wake up feeling much better and had more energy. Managed to stick to SS again so that's 5 days in total I have. I know I can SS+ if I need to but want to keep that option for when I really, really feel I can't do without eating something. I even managed to drink my shake sitting with the family when they were eating last night! Although I didn't join them until after they had eaten their garlic bread!! :) that's a real love of mine and don't think I could have coped with that.

KirkyFi, I'm hoping to start some sort of exercise in the next week or so. Bit nervous as I don't want it to make me hungrier.
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ha ha i was the queen of teenage temper tantrums so i'm dreading my little uns when she gets older!
Day 6

Ugh. Not a good day. Banana shake for breakfast, followed by a peanut bar for lunch, then decided I would try the other packet of soup I'd bought for the week. I only bought 2, the chilli one and a leek and potato one.

Quite liked the chilli one so had high hopes for the leek and potato. Mixing it up it smelt awful but first taste I decided it wasn't too bad. However, got 3/4 of the way through it and started to struggle so I thought "ok, don't savour it and swill it round your mouth, just swallow it and be done". Last mouthful I almost couldn't swallow, next thing I know I'm at the sink gagging and then I throw up! Didn't think I was going to stop. It was awful.

Sorry, if TMI, but just want this as a reminder to myself KEEP AWAY FROM THE SOUPS.

First weigh in tomorrow - hope it's a good one :D
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Day 7 & First Weigh In

Felt rough after yesterdays awful soup and then followed it with a terrible night so woke up feeling tired and grumpy.

Weighed myself at home first so I could get a rough guide to how much my CDC would say I'd lost and expected it to be fairly accurate as on the initial weigh in we only differed by 1/2lb, so I had positive expectations of losing 9lb as that's what my scales showed. Was weighed by CDC and told I'd only lost 7lb. I say 'only' because I know this was a pretty good loss but in my head I was expecting to hear her say more so spiralled a bit and felt quite low for the rest of the day. She said that she's happy for me to go by my scales so this is what I'm going to do as at the end of the day those are the ones I'm going to using once I get to maintain after I've reached goal.

So lost 9lbs - yay!

Only got shakes and bars this week, can't face the soup or porridge. Thought of them makes me shudder. Have struggled to fit in all 3 today for some reason... don't know why...

Had a banana shake, followed by a toffee malt bar and am just having my final shake of the day and have experimented. Bought a packet of coconut and a packet of chocolate and have mixed them half and half because I read on the boards it would taste like a Bounty bar - and it does! Yummy...
Well done jools, 9lb is fantastic. I would go by your scales too because like you said, they are the ones that you'll be using. Xx
Thanks Dragon :)

How are you doing this week?
Ah wow, I never thought of mixing the flavors - thanks for the tip. I keep picking up on little things people are doing, like this one lady said her CD counselor lets her chop up some green onions in one of the soups. I half expect someone will eventually come up with a Cambridge Diet cookbook to push the limits. Maybe they have already - heading to Google.

Strange about your aversion to the soups though - I quite like them. I suppose it helps that I've always been in love with soups, but I didn't think they were bad. Goes to show how different people's palates can be.

Awesome progress though, and as always thanks for the inspiration.
Congrats on losing 9lbs - feels amazing doesn't it?!! I lost the same on my first week, I've got my second WI tomorrow and getting nervous - really hoping for a good loss as I've been so good this week.

I know what you mean about that leek and potatoe soup is vile, I love the oriental chilli one and the spicy tomato isn't bad. I tend to stick to shakes in the main though :)
Day 8
Forgot to post yesterday. I have a good excuse though as it was my son's 10th birthday party and was kept busy with 6 ten year old boys most of the day.

Kept strong all day and stuck 100% to SS despite cooking pizza, chickekn nuggets (so easy to nibble on :) ), and putting out crisps (a particular weakness of mine!) and making his favourite desert of dirt and worms!

Rest of the 'Bounty' shake for breakfast, chocolate mint bar for lunch and butterscotch shake for supper. Still feeling strong and don't know where this is coming from...?
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dragondrop said:
Went to a wedding yesterday so that messed me up a bit but back on track today xx

Good for you, that's always the hardest part, getting right back on the wagon, and you've done it xx