exercise help!!


Violet is shrinking
:gen147: Hi guys, hoping someone can help..ive not bothered with exercise in my life,didnt really need to as my weight was ok then,now however not! Ive got joint problems so do need to be careful,but i need to loose a lot of weight before aggressive investigation will be done on my joints, particulary my knee ( vicious circle )

ive got an exercise bike at home,various wii sports games and just dance.i want to do exercise every day,that will have a impact on loosing the weight.

i did an hour of wii just dance this morning,and a little wii sports.

the thing is,im not sure how many calories i should be eating a day to loose weight,and if i exercise do i need to eat more calories so my body can function and still loose weight..i know nothing about exercise and calories..

help! :D

Hey hun, here is a link which may help you understand calories Understanding calories - Live Well - NHS Choices It explains it better than I could :D

Also, if you want a rough guide as to how many calories your Wii Sports is burning, there is a link here to the official Wii Sports calorie counter, its quite handy :) Wii.com - Wii Sports Calorie Meter

Also, if you want to join my new Just Dance Challenge for October to help keep you focused then you're more than welcome :) http://www.minimins.com/fitness-exercise/170458-new-just-dance-challenge-october.html
Thanks Miss Mango..ive added the wii counter to favs

ive joined the just dance too...i'll have to update my siggy :D
Yeah its good to have you on board the Just Dance challenge Bunny, I had wanted to get a few of us doing that one together!


I have never bothered with exercise either, I have no motivation etc.

Im really trying to control what i'm eating but I would like to see results happen a bit faster and I am willing to try some exercise to make this work. I have done 30 mins of wii dance Mon and Wed morning. I have decided to go to an all woman swimming group on a Friday and to go for a walk on Sunday. I am hoping that this makes a bit of difference, but i'll let you know!:confused:

Hi Vicky, i exercise all the time.

i do wii just dance, wii my fitness coach, wii sports and i use my exercise bike. i do it everyday except for sunday... i hated it at first and when im doing my fitness coach and i can really feel it,i know if i stop im not helping myself and just work through it...

and i feel soooo much better for it, and after exercising i do feel sooo relaxed and ive enjoyed it.. :D

i think you may benefit from exercising daily minus a day at the weekend, just a quick walk is better than nothing and a great way to start off :D

My advice at this point would be to focus on two things:

1. Making regular exercise a habit, and

2. Focus on nutrients, not calories.

Let me explain both points. If you are just getting into exercise the most important thing is to establish good habits and persistence. Don't worry about which exercises are best or worst at this point, but instead just get into the habit of doing something everyday.

Walking would be a great choice, as would the exercise bike and Wii games you are currently using. Try going for a gentle walk every single morning and then doing something different later in the day.

Secondly, when it comes to nutrition, calorie intakes just confuse a lot of people. The amount of calories you eat is not as important as the amount of nutrients you are taking in. Nutrients include omega 3 fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein etc.

Your body needs adequate amounts of these nutrients in order to keep your metabolism burning calories and to help repair your body after exercising. Focus on quality of food, rather than quantity. For example, replace any low quality foods such as white breads, pastas, cereal and rice with higher quality foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish. These foods are much higher in nutrients and will make you healthier and lead to faster and safer weight loss.

Whatsmore, the most healthy, fat-burning foods are high in nutrients but low in calories, so if you are eating the right foods you will become full before you can eat too many calories. To illustrate this point, think of a green salad. A small bowl of salad can fill you up because its filled with fibre, yet it will only have maybe 50 calories in it.

So again, to recap my advice:

1. Exercise: Do something every day, get into the habit
2. Nutrition: Think 'Quality' not 'Quantity'. When you eat the right foods the amount of calories take care of themselves.

Hope this helps.

Finding it soooo hard!


Thank you for the advice! Ive only started a week ago and I feel like jacking it all in already.

I am finding it so hard to do any exercise. I work from 9am to midnight Monday - Friday and find it so difficult to fit things in! I did manage a little 20 minute walk today but I am training for the next three days so god knows what I will be able to squeeze in this week.

I didnt go swimming on Friday, because I was so tired and I didnt even go on the Wii today because I got up late! And I hate myself for it!

On the plus side I am watching everything Im eating. Im having loads of salad, fruit and chicken (I dont do fish)so thats something I guess..... I havent lost any weight and Im starting to feel fed up before I have really started.

I think I will try the Wii in the mornings and a walk at lunch times, and maybe that swim on a Friday or Saturday. I would like to say both days but I doubt it very much! LOL, I will keep you posted!

