


Do you do much exercise while following ww? I'm just starting to introduce it in to my life having been rather sofa parked :( I was wondering if you calculate activity points. I'm not sure I will, does that matter?

Do you do much exercise while following ww? I'm just starting to introduce it in to my life having been rather sofa parked :( I was wondering if you calculate activity points. I'm not sure I will, does that matter?

Hello Sweetie, I restarted last week, used my 26pp, didn't touch my weeklies and did no exercise as I can't at the moment and I lost 3lb at 1st WI! Another member on here said its 80% Diet and 20% Exercise so I shouldn't worry too much whilst I'm unable to exercise. X
I exercise around 3-4 times a week. Steady weight loss of 1-2 a week. I definitely use weeklies as hungry after work out. Love the feeling it gives u
I exercise- I go to the gym a couple of times a week and walk my dog. I don't eat the exercise points earned as if I do it makes me gain weight! I have been having losses of between 1 and 2lbs when I stick to just eating my dailies and some of my weeklies.
I exercise quite a lot.
I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and do between 5 & 7 classes a week as well.
I also have a WW pedometer and track my walking.
So far since Thursday, I've earned 35 activity points.
I don't eat any of them though, or any weeklies.
I just eat my 26 dailies, and have been losing a steady 2lbs a week.
But Serena's correct, it is 80% Diet & 20% Exercise.
My gym instructor told me that she sees people working their butts off at the gym, but because they haven't changed what they're eating, they don't lose any weight.
I've been at the gym for 6 weeks and have gone from 39% body fat to 31.3% and have lost a total of 28.5cm from my body, but that's only because I've changed my food as well. I used to bike 25 miles a week for about 2-3 months, lost about 1lb, because I was still eating rubbish.
I definitely agree with ukserena and elfy 1807 the diet bit is more important.
I'm back on this website after about a year I lost over a stone last march-may doing very little exercise (i have a disability) I might've done an aquafit class but didn't really feel any benefit from it I simply stick to my 26pp

Now I'm about half a stone heavier then I was and I need to get my butt into gear however since September I've found a sport I can do I'm training 6 days a week and I have gained muscle but without looking at the diet side properly ( I've dabbled with calorie counting at times) the weight hasn't gone down as I thought it would.

Good luck ladies

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I definitely agree with ukserena and elfy 1807 the diet bit is more important.
I'm back on this website after about a year I lost over a stone last march-may doing very little exercise (i have a disability) I might've done an aquafit class but didn't really feel any benefit from it I simply stick to my 26pp

Now I'm about half a stone heavier then I was and I need to get my butt into gear however since September I've found a sport I can do I'm training 6 days a week and I have gained muscle but without looking at the diet side properly ( I've dabbled with calorie counting at times) the weight hasn't gone down as I thought it would.

Good luck ladies

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Out of interest, what sport have you been doing Sweetie? X
Adaptive Rowing (or para rowing to give it its new name) basically rowing without using my legs, I'm a Trunk and Arms rower so upper body only :) x

Wow I bet you have such toned arms, I had a car accident last year but prior to that I used to use the gym 3 times a week, I'm looking at starting swimming once I get the all clear from the physio, don't think I could go back to the gym just yet! X
Wow I bet you have such toned arms, I had a car accident last year but prior to that I used to use the gym 3 times a week, I'm looking at starting swimming once I get the all clear from the physio, don't think I could go back to the gym just yet! X

Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but your definitely doing the right thing in not rushing back to the gym. I had my accident 6 years ago next month and initially tried to go back far too quick to sport (I previously played ice hockey, I knew I would never get back to that) but then went the other way and for the best part of that 6 years up till last September I drank jack Daniels and ate cake.

Listen to your body Hun and it'll let you know when you are able to get back.

I'm getting there with my arms, I've only done it since September but since then I've definitely been making improvements just need to lose around a stone from the rest of me!
Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but your definitely doing the right thing in not rushing back to the gym. I had my accident 6 years ago next month and initially tried to go back far too quick to sport (I previously played ice hockey, I knew I would never get back to that) but then went the other way and for the best part of that 6 years up till last September I drank jack Daniels and ate cake.

Listen to your body Hun and it'll let you know when you are able to get back.

I'm getting there with my arms, I've only done it since September but since then I've definitely been making improvements just need to lose around a stone from the rest of me!

You will get there Sweetie, especially now you have all of us behind you! X