

Full Member
Hi all,

I'm on to my third week of Slimming World, and I've lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks so I'm really chuffed with that. However, I have a question! Most of the girls in my group don't tend to exercise much due to health issues and such, nor does my consultant, so I'm just curious as to what effect exercising has on weight loss? I used to be a keen runner (I'm 23 years old, 5 foot 10 inches) but, since gaining weight, I stopped. However, I've started again and I'm currently doing 2 miles a day, 5 times a week. I am also drinking 2 litres of water a day... Now, in theory, I would think this would speed up weight loss, however, I'm reading peoples stories online about how they have gained weight when doing exercise and drinking that amount of water? I know that muscle doesn't weigh more than fat (despite what I'd always thought) but, does exercising more mean that I am going to end up looking slimmer but, not budging any weight due to lean muscle build up?

Any words of wisdom would be hugely appreciated, as I really love my running and I don't want to get out of the routine again!


Thanks :)
Personally, I wouldn't overthink this too much. If you love running then you should go for it! It's true there are a lot of stories where members have stalled on weight loss during the start of exercise but usually the loss does kick in after a couple of weeks and becomes consistent.

I think you will look a lot leaner whatever the scales say and I would recommend measuring as a guide to see what's happening more than relying on the numbers on the scales. Good luck on your SW journey :)
I have found regular exercise makes little difference to the scales as such but it makes a huge difference to WHERE the weight comes off from and to how my clothes feel. For me its about inches rather than lbs if that makes sense.
I've exercised from about 3 stone into my weight loss. I'm now at 8st lost so must the exercise must be doing something right lol exercise makes me feel good, I love being fit and plus it tones up the saggy bits so it's a win win. Get running! Lol x
Exercise is good. Don't over think it. You want to change the composition of your body, more good lean muscle tissue and less fat. Exercise will really help give you that.

Initial weight gain from exercise relates more to water retention and swelling in the muscles, not from lean muscle growth. If only we could gain muscle at that rate :D

So if you want to run, I say run! Enjoy :)
Big thumbs up for exercise from me - it'll boost that metabolism long term and help you keep off what you lose. Not to mention its good for your mental and physical health.

I do wish slimming world encouraged a bit more activity even if it's just a walk a day!
Weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. I'd concentrate on getting good sustainable eating habits in place first and then turn to exercising.

Exercise is a crucial factor in health, weight maintenance and general well being. When I lost my weight I didn't bother doing anything until I got down to about 11 stone. I then started doing bits and pieces, fell in love with Spin and do five classes a week with the odd run here and there. It helps maintain my weight at 9 st 4 and really brings it home to you just how hard you have to workout to burn off what you've eaten! As a treat I had a chocolate bar on Friday night - it contained 501 calories. I did a Spin class for 45 minutes on the Saturday and burnt 475 calories - working as hard as I could. So it just shows exactly how we become overweight through over eating and general inactivity
Go for it! I started exercising about 2 weeks from starting and am consistently losing an average 2 1/2 lbs every week. doing C25K and swim once a week. Apart from the great losses I love the feel good effect! Good luck:)
I have nearly lost 50 lbs with SW and I must say I have had greater losses with exercise. I'm all for body magic, it really does boost the losses in my experience :D. Good luck with it !

Kay xx
I am a fan of exercising but I'm not fanatical about it, I generally go to the gym or the pool for stress relief. My losses have been steady and consistent whether I've worked out that week or not.
I exercised from day one. Back then i could only manage 5 minute walks here and there and gradually built it up. I now go to the gym 4 times a week and walk everywhere all the time regardless of the weather and I love it. I dont know if it has helped speed up my weightloss or whether its just because i was so big but it has def improved my stamina and fitness levels. My body shape still changes even on the weeks where I STS. That can only be a good thing. If running is something you love doing then go for it. Even on the days where I dont want to exercise, I still do because it really lifts my mood and makes me feel good again.
Thank you for so many fantastic responses! Its so useful to have so many insights, so thank you. I'm gonna plod on and see how I go cos I do love my running xx
I can only echo what others have said about the positive benefits of exercise. I have health issues (degenerative spinal disease, osteoarthitis and loss of curve lower half of spine) so I can't run or do high impact, but I still do loads of exercise because it actually helps my arthitis and I just love it! Keep up the great work!
Thanks Lydia, I have been sticking to it religiously but, I doubt it'll show any difference on the scales this week but, hopefully will next! Either way, I feel a lot better for it! xx
You might find it shows more on the measuring tape? Measure yourself and then again every 4 weeks then if the numbers don't show on the scales but do on the tape you won't feel disappointed x