Expired shakes?


Hi all,

I have just had a expired shake (8 months over to be precise :eek: and I feel fine). It was mixed in the recent batch from the last time I was on CD. And I realise I have over a weeks supply left (expired). I can't exchange them.

The shake tasted the same and looked the same (texture wise). Is there any reason why not to have the expired shakes?
I'm new to CD so can't say specifically for the CD food but on the whole processed dried stuff like that won't make you ill if it's passed sell by, it just means that after that date the nutritional content- vitamins etc- will start to break down and so you may find that they don't provide the nutritional benefits they did. But it shouldn't make you ill or anything so don't panic!
Oh thank you Marshflower! I am relieved to know that. :D At least they won't go to waste and I will top up on the vitamins.
Hi Cali, I thought the time expiry with CD was to do with the nutrients, but may be wrong. Hopefully someone will know.
