Extra easy help! X


Hi I'm new to this site. I've been doing slimming world for about a month now online. I've stuck to it most of the time with the odd night out where I've gone wrong!
I exercise quiet a lot (more than 3 times a week).
I haven't lost any weight since the first week! Can anyone give me any tips or tell me where I'm going wrong? Or is slimming world just not for me?
Louise x
It is hard to tell without knowing what you are eating, drinking etc. How many syns are you having each day? Whats your typical days food? I'm sure we can help you figure out if there is something stopping your weightloss xxx
Yes i agree, just post your food on here and you will get the right tips from the right people telling you what's good and what isn't.
An average day I would have
Porridge with almond milk and a banana for breakfast.
Lunch- an ommelete with beans and a muller light
Dinner- beef stew or chilli or pasta. Snacks fruit, low cal jelly, alpen light bars.

I do work nights sometimes so my food can be at random times. I tend to weigh out pastas/rices.
An average day I would have
Porridge with almond milk and a banana for breakfast.
Lunch- an ommelete with beans and a muller light
Dinner- beef stew or chilli or pasta. Snacks fruit, low cal jelly, alpen light bars.

I do work nights sometimes so my food can be at random times. I tend to weigh out pastas/rices.

Which day are you doing? If you have porridge for breakfast are you counting the syns for any Alpen light bars you're having? Do you weigh and measure your porridge and milk to the correct hea and heb portions.

Which muller lights are you having as some have syns. Sugar free jelly also has syns. So already that's a decent amount of syns before a meal out off plan with some wine etc. When out, what do you have?

How about you do a diary and give it to your leader for some feed back?
I agree with the above. Also unless you give more detail its hard to see the 1/3 superfree. Partic with lunch?
I've been doing online so have no leader. I might try a class to see where I'm going wrong.
I have porridge 35g as my hex A&B and I weight it all out. Alpen bars would be 3 1/2 syns each. I've got one of the SW cook books which I often use for main meals.
Maybe your right I need to have more veg and less carbs? X
If you really break it down for us we could help but we need you to be really really specific. Ie what goes into your omelette, for all we know t could be full of mushrooms and onions.
Sorry new to this. Would normally have 2 eggs, mushrooms, onion and ham. Cooked in fry light. With 1/2 a tin of baked beans. So some veg but probably not enough.
That's ok! It takes some getting used to! I would stick by my earlier comment of not enough superfree. I assume you know the general rules but its worth checking your meals to make sure that 1/3 is superfree (and check it IS superfree, I've been caught out by things such as sweet corn). The idea being that it naturally limits the free and syns that make up the rest of every meal. Snacks should be superfree as first choice and free as second choice and although technically syns can be used anywhere, snacks or meals, I tend to avoid snacking on synned food where possible. That's just personal preference.

Your breakfast looks good, I don't know anything about almond milk, is this a HexA? lunch likely needs more superfree and dinner is ok in principle but again without breaking it down its hard to see the superfree? I'd cut out the jelly as it's the kind of thing that would be hard to guesstimate the syns unless you eat the little pots? Personally I find that too many carbs just doesn't help, although that's more in relation to pasta, potato seems to have little to no negative effect. It may actually be that despite all that you are not having enough syns. How many do you average??
Thanks for taking the time to help me out.
Almond milk is hexA you get about 800mls a day but I only use it in my porridge. Think I'll try and add in more veg and less pasta/rice. I might try the class I found for tomorrow morning see if that gives me a kick up the bum! X
I'd agree with the above, it seems to be a lack of superfree :D

However, you are safe to eat the rice and pasta but as you say bulk out your meals with the superfree. The other thing is the amount of exercise you are doing and how this will affect your losses. Some people struggle for a few weeks if there is a lot of exercise and your body needs some time to adjust. Don't cut the carbs too much you will need them for energy if you are exercising over three times per week.

Good luck.
The carbs thing is totally personal preference and how it affects you. I exercise 3/4 times a week doing zumba or running and don't feel any different whether I have carbs or not. If you exercised to this degree before starting slimming world then its unlikely to have much of an effect but I agree with JVBP that if you are hitting your body with a change of nutrition and the exercise and it's all new it may take time for your body to adjust and to start relinquishing those excess pounds. Our bodies are great at preserving themselves by hanging on to weight, not so easy to lose it....as we all know!!! ;)
I lost five pounds in my first week eating lots of carbs!! I love green days.

You should be using the superfree as a way of reducing your portions of all foods not just carbs. So for instance with your omlette, you could fill up on more veggies either in the omlette or on the side so you don't need the beans with it to fill you up. If you had a roast dinner you'd have lots of veg, so have less room for the meat and the spuds.

That's how SW works really, it's about using super free and free foods as a way of filling you up so you don't fill up on crap.

I know you said you don't go to class, do you have the books to go through at least? I find these so much easier than the website to work out what's free etc. I only use the website for syns really.
Wow that's a brilliant loss! I'm starting slimming world on Wednesday and I've been advised by a friend to start on Extra Easy plan :) how are you finding following slimming world? I was on weight watchers before but found because it's mostly processed meals that I was struggling to enjoy them so I stopped. I'm new to all this so would love a bit of advice on how to get be consistent on slimming world and some tips on free food to snack on!

Emma xxx
Wow that's a brilliant loss! I'm starting slimming world on Wednesday and I've been advised by a friend to start on Extra Easy plan :) how are you finding following slimming world? I was on weight watchers before but found because it's mostly processed meals that I was struggling to enjoy them so I stopped. I'm new to all this so would love a bit of advice on how to get be consistent on slimming world and some tips on free food to snack on!

Emma xxx

Hi, you will get all the info you need on Wednesday in your pack. SW do tend to advocate Extra Easy now, but still have the Red and Green plans running alongside for those who wish to do them. Some even do a mixture of plans on different days :). As you can see Mrs CC loves green and is doing really well with it.

Your pack will include the plan and a list of free and superfree foods. My advice is to read, read some more and plan. Keeping a food diary is a great way to see what you've had over the days and weeks. I would keep in touch with your consultant for advice when you're not at class and also make sure you eat plenty of food and syns as you begin the plan as many think cutting back means a bigger weight loss and that just doesn't work with SW.

Keep an eye out as well for the recipes here and the threads what's for lunch, dinner etc to see what everyone else is having, which is a good way to pick up tips.

It will take a while for it to fall into place but persevere and watch the results. Good luck with everything, I'm sure you'll do really well :D
I guess you can tell from the differing opinions its a great plan to fit you and your lifestyle. Experiment a bit and switch a few things up. Extra easy is great for that and it WILL work for you!
Wow that's a brilliant loss! I'm starting slimming world on Wednesday and I've been advised by a friend to start on Extra Easy plan :) how are you finding following slimming world? I was on weight watchers before but found because it's mostly processed meals that I was struggling to enjoy them so I stopped. I'm new to all this so would love a bit of advice on how to get be consistent on slimming world and some tips on free food to snack on!

Emma xxx

I decided on SW because I got to a point where I was sick of counting everything and weighing everything. I always loved WW cos I lost weight quickly and consistently on it, but personally I felt I wasn't doing anything to re-educate myself about eating in a way that would teach me how to maintain my weight for life. So I decided to look at SW to help me do that and shift the last few pounds I want to. Everyone is different and you have to do what works for you, but I'm not looking at it like a diet. I'm eating this way regardless of whether or not I lose every week. I know if I follow the plan my body will eventually get to a point it's happy with and settle at that weight. And that will do me.

Have a look through everything all the books and syns online when you sign up. Think about what you like to eat and how you can fit that into the plan. I like that SW is mainly about cooking from scratch but there are some convienience foods that are low syns for when you need them - like mug shots, I have some Asda ready meals that are only 4 syns and the dolmio pasta pots are 6 syns for some of them. I work full time shifts and have a 8m old baby so I need that flexibility. I tend to do green days when I'm doing late shifts, so I have something like eggs for breakfast, some pasta or a jacket potato before work and then have something like I can make quick in work like a mug shot or if I'm super organised left overs I can heat up. When I'm home I do EE. I tend not to use my syns on sweets/crisps too much cos I binge on them - it's easier for me to have none and I don't drink either.

But like I said have a really good look through everything, including on here for ideas, and work out what will work best for you. Do what suits your lifestyle best rather than what helps you lose most weight.