Failing and starting all over again.

Weigh in. Week 3

I haven't lost anything this week. BUT I haven't put anything on either so at least thats something!
I did eat some naughty foods over xmas and boxing day and thought for sure I had gained.

I am hoping for a nice loss next week :)
Well done for not running away from weighing in!! Its good to have a couple days treats over Christmas I think!

Im right back on it now too, YEAH!! :D Wishing you a happy new year! x
Wishing you a Happy new year also :)
Yep the main thing is that we all get back to it,usually I would just have a few 'off' days and just carry on eating! Not this time!
Weigh in. Week 4

I have gained weight and I am absolutely gutted and angry with myself. Maybe starting before xmas and new year wasn't such a great idea. :cry:
I am re-starting as of today though and am back at the gym now so that'll help as it was closed for a few weeks.
U can do it, write off last week. New week new start! x
Bah, it's Christmas. A little gain is unavoidable, and it'll come right off again now you're going for it! You can do it :)

Its all gone usual!
I weighed myself on the gym scales and they say I have put all my weight back on,got home and weighed on my scales again and I have :cry:
I managed to lose a stone and put it all back on in just a month. Im a disaster!

But I went to my docs today and was prescribed xenical. I will be re-starting my diet on sunday.
Im sick of re-starting all the time,hopefuly this time with the help of xenical I will shift this weight once and for all,hurrah!!

I am going to weigh myself at the gym again tomorrow and whatever that says I am will be my new start weight.
And I am only going to weigh in every month or maybe every 2 weeks using the gym scales.

Here we go again.....

Claire x
Hang on, why are YOU a disaster just because you gained a stone... over Christmas?

Pack it in. Stop feeling bad about yourself just because you ate some fatty foods over the fatty-food-eating period.

Every time you are about to eat, stop. Look at what you're going to put in your mouth. Ask this of it:

If the answer is obviously "no" (Chocolate, crisps, we're lookin' at you)... don't eat it!

If the answer is "yes", then go right ahead!

Everything. One little biscuit? Will it help you lose weight? Hell no. Don't eat it then :D

C'mon. I know you can do this!
We all make mistakes, ownwards and upwards! (or downwards in weight I suppose lol) x
I feeling bit like that 2 and i only on day 2 lol x
Have you re-read your original post to try and re-instil that confidence and excitement into yourself that you had then?

I hope so. You were doing so well!! And you will do so again. You just need to get back onto the wagon again!! ;)

In March of 2009 I left a diet having lost 6 stone. I was full of life and energy and wanting to try new things.

Here I am in January 2010, having put 5 stone of that back on :mad: I have been to my first weigh in tonight. January is the start of the year. I wonder where we will be next January!!

Get back to it and dont beat yourself up over little slips. Christmas is done and gone and it cant be changed. Time to move onwards and erm... downwards!?! :rolleyes:
~tiptoeing in here from the Atkins thread~

Happy New Year all!

This is a lovely, warm, supportive thread. Yes we gained a bit over the Christmas period and since 'normal weight' people do the same this may not be as bad as it seems.

For years I was a yo-yo dieter. I was also a starver/binger. Eat as little as humanly possible for as long as possible. It worked, as you can imagine. I felt awful but hey I was ultra thin! Then after a little while the bingeing would come back, with a vengeance. Up and down, up and down...

Every year I would dread the Christmas food. Every year I would either starve my way through it or binge madly. Even when I managed to starve there would be tons of leftover treats in my house. sooner or later they would call my name so loudly I could not resist. So I would gain a lot of weight back, AFTER Christmas, when everyone else had lost their funtime regains.

Never again! Christmas is a very special time and it is to be shared and enjoyed. If we cut ourselves some slack during that period, without hating ourselves and feeling like failures, we will probably regain a lot less than if we beat ourselves up.

Whatever diet we follow we are all in this for the same reasons pretty much and all hoping for the same happy and lasting outcome.

Keep at it! No matter what - and good luck x