Fair, forty but not fat!

Yay you!!! Jolly well done, what an amazing achievement!!! x
Hello, Third Stone. I'm pleased to meet you, but our acquaintance is going to be brief! You'll be on permanent holiday from my body before Easter.

Today's menu is mostly using up things from the fridge before I go shopping. There's a bit of venison left, lots of salad and some home-made veg soup. The yoghurt needs finishing up as well so I can make a new batch for next week.

Must. Stick. With. It.

It's working.
Aww, which bead did you buy to represent your second stone gone?
The frog was from my hubby for that. My kids got me the other one for Christmas (and it's my first stone bead). I'm thinking about a pair or shoes or a handbag for the third stone ;) I suspect when the weight becomes harder to shift when I get near target, then I may well go for a bead every half stone, but we'll have to see. Can only stretch to one per pay day!

I'm sneaking sneaky sneaks at the scales. It's looking like this week might be a good one. I have everything crossed for that, as the week after could well be a STS. We're away this weekend without the kids. Staying 100% for that is going to be nigh on impossible, although I'll be trying my best.

Which restaurants are good for low cal food? I was thinking Yo Sushi might be decent for one meal...
Nandos have just put a calorie counter up on their website so you can plan your meal before you go, looking at it yesterday you can easily have a nice piece of chicken and salad for under 600 cals.
That's worth knowing :) Still pretty high in cals for a chicken/salad combo - they often come in around 250-300 cals. Better than a pizza though :D

My daily intake at the moment is 600-800, so I can see this weekend being quite tricky.
Actually, with a bit of careful menu selection, I can do a meal at Nandos for under 300 cals.

Wooohoooo! That'll be perfect :D
I'm probably not the best person to advise on exercise, to be honest. I've got a medical condition that means it's very difficult for me to exercise without knocking myself out and being bed-bound for a few days! That means my weightloss has to be managed by diet alone at the moment, although I have a physio working with me to start building a little stamina. I'm going to be starting that in the next few days.

I wouldn't recommend what I'm doing. My GP is supervising the diet but the calories are way too low for most people.

Maybe you could look at what you're eating? I lowered my carbs too and I think that helps a bit. Maybe plain cornflakes rather than the honey nut ones? It sounds like you're doing the right sort of things. The gain could be from anything. Have you been to the loo lately? Water retention? Time of the month? Things fluctuate and vary all over the place - frustrating, but true!
Today's menu is fairly typical.

Breakfast is a cup of tea (semi-skimmed milk) and 100g of low fat bio yoghurt. I might have this with a couple of brazil nuts, if the fancy takes me. Sometimes I'll have it with some strawberries or blueberries instead.

Lunch tends to be soup. I'm fond of miso soup during the working week - handy sachets and 35-27 cals depending on what type of miso it is. I generally have a banana for lunch as well.

Dinner is 95% always a salad. Mixed leaves, tomatoes, peppers, and anything else I can find to chuck on it. Tonight is with steamed salmon, but it might just as easily be chicken, duck, venison, monkfish, trout...

I don't feel hungry as I'm probably eating better than I used to do! I still need to work on the water intake because I find that really hard and I probably am dehydrated...

I dip low on iron sometimes, but I do that anyway. Periodically I get a course of iron tablets to compensate for that, but the food is providing everything else I need pretty easily. If I can manage to get any exercise established, I'll need to move the calories up a bit, but I'm going to have to play that by ear as I have no idea what'll happen when I try it.
Someone said drink lots of water but why how does that help

I asked that when I started. Apparently it gets the metabolism working better.

I'm not very good at the water intake yet, but so many people talk about it helping.
The miso soup is just from the supermarket. They do packets of 4 sachets for about £3. Bit pricier than cup-a-soup, but infinitely nicer. I prefer the normal and the red miso - not as fond of the yellow!

I look at what I'm eating now and wonder how I managed to eat much more than I am. Probably just as well really, as I suspect my non-diet calorie intake will need to be around 1500 to maintain :(
Sneaky peeking says I'm a full 3lbs down so far this week. I'm secretly hoping for 4 before Friday because I'm pretty certain next week will be a STS because of the weekend away. We're meeting up with friends and I'm sure far too much food will be consumed, if I'm not careful!

I'm going to take the opportunity of being in London to do a bit of clothes shopping. Nothing too much because I do want to drop out of the clothes I'll be buying, but my old clothes are much too big. I can still wear the odd bit, but mostly I need new clothes. Going to try and get a few basics that will tide me over for a few weeks.

Roll on the end of March and farewell to stone number 3!!
Fab result, lets hope its 4! Moog, are you doing it low carb? I know you dont eat many cals just wondered if youre low carb as well?
It's pretty low carb too. I generally have a banana at lunch, which is carby, and a couple of thin cracker/crispbreads with my soup.

Other than that, it's minimal carbs. My body really doesn't cope well with them at all!