Fat Inspiration


Full Member
As We are approaching the run up to xmas,I thought it would be a good idea to keep us fellow slim & savers motivated.

This is what just 1lb of fat looks like! take it 1lb off at a time, ladies and gents!!

1lb fat.jpg
Isn't it funny how we have become programmed to look at fat and find it disgusting...I don't want to take anything away from your way of inspiring yourself (i realise that you are using the fat as a way of showing the size and mass of each pound lost - which is a great motivation) - sometimes i think people look at fat and feel revolted...but i think this way of feeling disgust at own bodies is part of the overall problem. Ideally we should be aiming at getting slim because we want to be healthier and to improve our self image. However, fat should be seen as a part of our body structure and something which is important. we will all have fat on our body even after we lose weight. I am not sure that thinking fat is revolting is really helpful or kind to ourselves.

Also after the weight is lost, the best way to keep it off is actually to have a diet high in fat and low in carbs. if we see fat as the devil incarnate, we may never keep the weight off.

That said - a big lump of yellow fat with a cup of tea is not my idea of a great snack!! :)