Fat saz to slim saz


New Member

I'm joining slimming world tomorrow, I've been looking through the books that a friend gave me and was going to do it alone as I can't really afford the weekly fee- but I won't do it alone, a year of mucking around with various diets & apps proves that. Im hoping that as i havent got the money to waste- i wont waste it & ill stick with it.

I lost about 2 stone 9 years ago with slimming world before my wedding but I hit a plateau and lost the final stone on WW as I was running out of time.

Now with a nearly 4 year old I know SW is the diet for me. Our evening means won't change too much but it will make me really think about breakfast and lunch, especially the days I work.

I recently had a life changing event, I nearly died due to an ectopic pregnancy and I lost a baby, a Fallopian tube, and maybe the ease to conceive again. So I know to give myself the best chance I need to be a healthy weight. Plus I want to be a fit healthy mummy to my son. I don't want to be a skinny minny, but I need to lose 3 stone to get to healthy BMI. So I'm aiming for 3 to 3.5 stone off. That will still leave me nearly 2 stone heavier than my wedding day, but I'll be healthier and I also don't want to go so low I can't maintain it, I put on 2 stone within a year of my wedding and stayed there until I fell pregnant 5 years later so I think I'm being realistic in what is maintainable for me.

I have a christening in August, and I'd like to be well on my way by then. - unless I'm lucky enough to fall pregnant with a healthy pregnancy by then.

I've been reading these diaries and boards for a while and look forward to meeting you all.

Thanks for reading

Saz xx