Feeling Low


Silver Member
My period is due (sorry tmi) and its making me extra hungry and cranky.

Had to waste 12 points on a sandwich due to being out....not in a good mood.

Would love a blow out....need to be strong :rolleyes:

your feel much worse if u go off the wagon and gain when you weigh in next!!

be strong

be strong

be strong

be strong

trying...keeping within weeklies.....argggh in a such a crabby mood and my husband is getting on my nerves....oh and the footy is eating into my soaps.....grrr :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Stay strong and just think how good you'll feel tomorrow knowing you didn't give in!
Do you have any points left for a hot chocolate or something?.xx
i can dip into my weeklies....shouldn't really but feeling so offkey
yeah dip into your weeklies but dont go over and pffft just turn it over to your soaps ;) how was you last night ?