Feeling very weak :(

Are you in your first week? If so yes and it usually helps if you drink more water. It's your body detoxing from all the sugar as well as switching to ketosis etc
I found my body detoxing from the sugar (including white carbs) etc made me feel worse initially than anything else but it does settle after a couple of days.

Just make sure you take it easy the next few days, carry paracetamol with you for the headaches and don't plan anything
you might find that you'll get some stinky headaches too!
i didnt feel well for the first 11 days, but after that felt great, try to hang in there its so worth it, and yes drink drink drink, it helps. Good luck
Try adding extra water to the shakes, a glass every time you go to into the kitchen etc... .it'll fly in that way
I'm up to nearly 600mls (cos that's what a mug I have takes) .. but I usually add coffee to the vanilla and choc if I make them hot. The choc and peppermint choc I make up to a pint with water and crushed ice