Fei Yan tea


Full Member
Helloo! :)

Has anyone tried this tea? My sister gave me a box of it today. :)

"FeiYan Tea is a traditional Chinese herbal slimming tea that claims to suppress your appetite, improve your metabolism and help you get rid of extra fat."

I'm really curious about it, I've just had some now, I must admit, it does look a bit like swamp water lol but it doesn't taste that bad, just unusual :)

ingredients include: Green Tea, Lotus Leaves, Cassia Seeds, Vegetable sponge, Cha Ye, Retinervus Luffae Fructus, Pericarpium Citri, Reticulatae Viride, and Coicis seeds.
I've tried it... I think. I had a chinease tea where you had to drink a cup every day and it was meant to speed up your metabolism etc.

I can't really comment on if it was my diet or the tea that was making me loose weight, but the tea wasn't that bad. :)

I'm a sucka for these sorts of things though.
I know that green tea is supposed to help your metabolism but i dont like the taste so i take green tea tablets :-D