Female Hairy dieter!!!! without so much Hair lol!!

Well some of you may have seen me around the forum looking for a diet......... I just couldn't bring myself to start one i'd plan to start one in the morning but wake up with other ideas and fail, Then I picked up this "Hairy dieter book" my mum bought me it for Christmas but I just didn't even look at it I suppose I couldn't bond with them with me being female. but ive spent the last few hours engrossed... I'm going to list everything I have each day and how i'm feeling and hopefully stick with it..... I'm feeling quite positive at the moment but then always do before I start.
Well, I've written my first days food plan out which I've never done before so that must mean something positive I'm looking forward to starting now and I do need to go shopping soon though, I'l post my menu up tomorrow... I've a telephone conference in the morning then i'm out of the office till 3pm so a busy day.
Well I've just had my first counciling session over the phone, ( apparently to work out if I'm a danger to myself or others ) she was lovely. Lasted 30 minutes still not sure if it helped but then I answered her questions and spoke about myself whilst she listened. They don't agree with forums because you get unqualified advice and I'm not likely to be the real me.
I mentioned that's the joy of it I can be the real me but talk to others about things I don't feel I can say to people I know.

Anyway outcome is she feels I need to subscribe to a club like weight watchers where I'm more likely to stick with a diet she has to discuss it with their supervised today though as I have a healthy bmi but I could get it on medical pyciatric (can't spell lol!) Grounds as my dieting concerns are dangerous to the wellbeing of my children as they pick up on it . will here after 4pm what's to happen and if or when I have another counciling session.