Fibresure or Fybogel?


Full Member
Are you allowed to have either of these whilst on CD? Alternatively can fibre89 be used in water instead of the shakes. Sometimes I really have to make myself finish all the water that I need to and I think that having the added incentive of getting extra fibre will help me to do that.

If you are allowed them is one better than the other?
Fybogel is fine, and nice and orangey too!

Only the plain fybogel should be used not the one flavoured with orange as this can take you out of ketosis.

The Fibre 89 can be added to any liquid, maximum 2 teaspoons a day. Fibre 89 is a preventative not a laxative so should be taken daily.

If you are already constipated its best to use sennokot then start the fibre 89 from the next day.