Finding tonight hard!


Repeat Offender
I'm finding tonight really really hard. Tomorrow my uni results are published. So I'm really nervous. I feel kind of ill anyway. And it's all making me what to eat comfort stuff. But I'm not. I'm staying away from the kitchen. I don't know if that'll last all night though! I mean, I know I can do it, it's whether I will. I have a habit of giving up when things get hard. So I HAVE to get through it. My head hurts, I feel sick, and dizzy. But I'm feeling more sick knowing I get my results tomorrow, so it's not helping! I might just go to bed!
I wont say dont worry beacuase its only natural to worry about your results, but what i will say, is that its only a few hours away and will all be over, an early night is just what is needed for sure, i hope you get the results you want and good luck. Lets us all know how you get on. Now off to bed with you and i hope you feel better in the morning
I agree with Lin. Go to bed and try to stop worrying about something you cannot change now. You might have a nice surprise tomorrow! I did with my results this year. (I can't! I have to take DD and her friend to school at 1.30am to catch coach to Stanstead. They are off to Spain in the morning!)
You're right, I can't change them now so shouldn't worry about them. I think I'm going to just go to bed maybe. Maybe put on a DVD and fall asleep. Defo light my melt warmer thing as it makes everything smell nice!
I won't say don't worry - because I remember the day/night/morning of my finals results very well. Even though it was 15 years ago. What's done is done - what matters now is how you deal with it!

It'll make no difference to the results if you get them calm, well rested and (relatively) relaxed, feeling pleased with yourself for having resisted the lure of the bread bin, or if you get them strung out, jittery and already cross for falling off the go to bed, light your burner thing, relax, get some rest and face tomorrow with a bright cheery smile! (Ish.)

best of british anyway
Get an early night my dear and a couple of paracetamol and good luck for tomorrow xxx
Hey Caroline,
Wishing you all the best for your results. Maybe have a nice relaxing bubble bath to try and take your mind off it xx
Well getting to bed early didn't work out!! Still up, still feeling pretty nervous, but have now figured out where it is I find my results in the morning. It's not like my old uni, not like a database type thing. They upload a pdf file with everyone's results in it. So it won't be up until 9-10ish tomorrow I guess. So might as well just go to bed now!
fingers crossed for today hun! Keep us posted when you know more!!!!
good luck!

They're still not up yet, I figure it'll be shortly after 9 they'll go up.

Thanks guy! I feel physically sick. I really do! I guess these are even more important than before. Where I transferred, my final classification will be based up the 3 semesters I do at the new uni, rather than the usual 4. So they have more of a final weighting, so it's more important that I do well! I'm just going to try not think about it for a while!
I have to wait until 4!! FOUR!!!!!!!!


I can't cope.
Oh gosh I was getting all nervous for you scrolling down the posts!!

Good Luck babes xx