Step 1 Sole Source + First day on sole source+ on CWP


Hello everyone my name is Shaz and I'm 21 years old going to be 22 next week lol. I'm 5 ft 5 and 72.6kg and I want to lose 3 stones. I'm on day one and finding it okay physically but mentally draining I keep thinking about food lol. Just want to get past this week I know I can do it. I'm dreading it though as I work in a nursery and I work four 8-6 shifts with a 1 4 hour shift. This weather isn't helping either I just keep thinking about ice cream :-(. But I need to lose this weight as every summer I had off from university I have gained a stone by eating junk food and the weight crept on me slowly. I just want to keep positive thoughts in my head and I need to reach my end goal.