First Stone gone many more to go

Well my birthday was the non event it always is. Invited loads of people and no one turned up. Only people who did was sister in law and hubbies mate. Left with loads of food and booze. What a day. xx
ohh tessa happy birthday love ohh thats horrid if they was not coming they should say so x xx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tessa - sorry to hear the party didn't go as planned, i guess it's so cold out there - but Chezzie is right, they should have let you know.

Big hugs sweetie xxx
Thanks girls. I am used to it whenever I am organising things nobody comes. Hubby is annoyed as we spend money we don't really have . 2 of my mates were ill and did tel me the other 2's hubbies re u well so they just didn't come. 40th birthday non event. Need to make friends closer to home not at work. Sorry for moan xx
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no no no tessa you moan love if i was near you love i would have come and had a drink with you x x x x
You rant away love :( So sorry it didn't happen for you hun, that is awful! Wish we were all closer and we'd come and cheer you up! Lots of love - and a happy belated birthday x
Thanks PSP :) I am feeling a bit better today.
Not gonna celebrate my birthday anymore though.

I will try to build up a new circle of friends outside of work. Not sure how yet. I moved where I live 4.5years ago and haven't really got any friends near by. Work is 30minutes away so not ideal for friendships.

Hope everyone is doing ok. I am ready to go back to healthy eating really but will have to wait until payday to buy proper healthy food again and I also still got left overs to eat up. And I decided to not drink alcohol for lent + possibly drastically reduce meat or even not eat any meat for lent too. xx
hi love
for your birthday make it about you and your hubby and make it your special day love the money you save will go your birthday not for food and drink that peeps do not come to glad your feeling more positive love
I agree with Cheryl! Make it YOUR special day full of what YOU want to do :) That's the way it should always be, stuff everyone else xx
thats it kym
i thinks its so upsetting they have let her down x x x
Hi Nessa, not properly started yet as got loads of food to use up. I have started to eat a little bit healthier again though. Once I get paid I can do a proper shop for healthier food.
I tried to restart my exercise but only managed one day this week although I did some extra walking in the evening tice as well.
How did you get on yesterday? xx
Hi Nessa, not properly started yet as got loads of food to use up. I have started to eat a little bit healthier again though. Once I get paid I can do a proper shop for healthier food. I tried to restart my exercise but only managed one day this week although I did some extra walking in the evening tice as well. How did you get on yesterday? xx

I know the feeling about trying to use food up, after christmas it's just everywhere!
Well done on the extra walking Hun.
Really enjoyed my group feel motivated and ready to do this! Xx