First time on here and over 11 stone to lose!


Full Member
Hi there, my name is Emma, its the first time I have written on here and was so pleased to find a group for those of us that have alot to lose. I started on my diet on Saturday and weighed in at my heaviest weight ever of 22 stone 5 lbs :( I was horrified and so upset by it but decided to not let it get me down but instead motivate me to change things. I would love to get down to 11 stone ish so as you can see I have a long way to go. I feel like its good to have somewhere to come where people are in a similar position, its hard to say be in a group where people say have a 1 or 2 stone to lose when you have to lose half your body weight. Anyway so far so good on my first week, I am not doing any set diet as such but a low carb one of my own, its a bit more difficult than the average low carb diet as I am a veggie but hey I am determined to crack it! Emma :)
Hello Emma. I'm a newbie too. It's great isn't it to find others just like you and me? What I like about this gang, is that everyone may on different diets, but we all have the same goal, we all know how each other feels and someones little victory or goal reached cheers us all on. I'm no texactly on a diet . My doctor has got me on a healthy eating plan, its more a life style change than a diet: The weight loss will be (hopefully!) just part of it.
Hi Emma :) my aunt is vegetarian and she is following Slimming World with me, she has so far lost 1stone in 6 weeks (I also nearly have half my self to lose where as she only wants to lose 2 stone). Drink plenty of pure water, eat lots of fruit and veggies. Eggs are good too, things like rice and pasta are great filling foods just have them in moderation and make sure at least one third of your plate consists of vegetables. I would say don't go on a low-carbohydrate diet, just cut out things like bread. I used to eat 2 slices of toast everyday for my breakfast so I swapped toast to bran flakes with chopped up fruit and either milk or fat free natural yoghurt, my dinner would consist of a sandwich and now I have a jacket potato or tortilla wraps, I also feel fuller for longer too. :) A lot of people might argue with me but I think bread is the worst thing ever, I bloat from eating it and it's stodgy, also you have to put butter/spread on it which consists of pointless calories! I am going to guess you eat Quorn? There is lots of things you can make with it that are great for losing the lbs, I use the mince to make spaghetti bolognese and shepherds pies. The quorn style chicken pieces are great for making stir fries, I also use them in wraps to take to work sometimes. I know some people have busy schedules but when you have a bit of spare time, plan your meals. xx
thank you Muggle Mary and Pipaluk for your messages of support, its so lovely to hear from you both, and wow Pipaluk what a fab weight loss, you are doing so well, I really am happy for you hun, you are such an inspiration!.

I am doing well so far, today is day four and is far easier than yesterday, day 3 was a complete nightmare, really felt like I was struggling but I always do find day 3 the hardest, today I feel like a different person!!

I am staying away from the scales as I want to weigh myself on Sat after my first full week, I have to try and not use the scales more than that as I am prone to becoming a complete idiot over them hopping on them every 5 mins so I am now making it a rule to do it just once a week, almost like doing my own weekly weight in!

Oh and yes I love Quorn products, I have been trying out loads of Quorn recipes myself lately, I find it yummy although I know some people don't like Quorn.

I am not following any particular diet but am aiming at present for 1500 calories a day whilst lowering my carbs but not to the VLCD carb levels just trying to reduce them.

Emma :)
Thank you! It's hard and I have my moments, the numbers are not going down as fast since I started at the gym but I know the inches are going off my body. I am not going to be carrying on Slimming World from August, my countdown runs out half way through the month and I am going to be on a budget as I am going back into full time education which means my work hours will be near enough halved :eek: I have got my head into the game and I still have all my books so I can do it from home, of course with the support of MiniMins!
Try not to get obsessive with the scales, a lot of people do - myself included. I actually put my home scales in the attic so I couldn't stand on them all the time, I literally was weighing myself every morning and every night. Let us know how you get on at your first weigh in :) Quorn products are great, I love the sausages! I like my meat, don't get me wrong but it's full of fat (even if it's lean!) so I often opt for Quorn alternatives. 1500 calories is a good one to aim for, I go for 1200-1300 at the minute and I aim to burn off 500-800 calories when I am at the gym which seems to keep me steady away and still enjoying myself. xx
thanks for the lovely reply, you are doing so well, it is tough when you have to do it on a budget, I'm on a budget myself so have to watch what I spend in the shops, I am finding it easier if I plan ahead before I go shopping what I actually need to buy as if I go without a list I always buy stuff I don't need plus I have a silly tendency to stock pile and end up with god knows how many of various things!!.

Yeah the whole scales issue I guess is very typical of people trying to lose weight, I have put my scales away for the week and will only get them out on Sat for my first weigh in, fingers crossed I see a decent enough loss, have to say I can already see a change in my face especially around my cheeks and my trousers are allowing me to breathe now which is a bonus! ha ha

I am yet to pluck up the courage to go to the gym, I find my dog walking has always helped with my fitness level, I have a young Border Collie and she has me out three times a day for 3 x 45min - 1 hour walks and I push myself out of my comfort zone, shes like my personal trainer, she has me out in all weathers with her!

Good luck with returning to your studies, I have thought about going back myself, I haven't been in education since the early 2000s when I was at uni so at the moment am just thinking about it.

I'm glad you think 1500 kcal is a good level, I wasn't sure what to go for but as I'm starting at over 22 stone and have previously been on a diet of god only knows how many calories I thought going too low as in the VLCD may be a mistake for me, saying that I just don't think I could do it, at least on this diet I can eat fairly normally just more healthily than I have previously done and actually I would say I am enjoying my food much more than I have ever done before.

Hi Emma sounds like we have a fair bit in common. Similiar weight loss goals and I started just a couple of pounds heavier than you are now. From your BMI start weight I am guessing around the same height too. I am also a veggie.
Well done sticking with your low carb diet, I am not as well disciplined so for me its restricted calories and fats. VCLD are good if they are strictly controlled with meals usually from companies . 1500 calories sounds good idea. The weight loss is daunting for people like us but something I learned here is the smaller goals and thats how I try to keep motivated. So today I am celebrating my 4 stone weight loss. And my next 2 goals are getting under 40 BMI and leaving the 18s. I find this approach really helps. And I am on a budget so like you I am doing it my own way as it were. Good luck.
Hey Emma,
i started 16 weeks ago weighing 20 stone 8lb and it just 16 weeks i've lost 4 stone exactly.
My goal is 11 stone by Christmas, i can and WILL do it, so will you!
If you need a facebook buddy or anything just to chat to for support, whatever diet plan you're following, just add me :)
Hi everyone I too have a lot to loose what diet plan are you following as I get confused by so many was thinking sw was the best as obviously I love my food? X
Hi Sinead, wow you are doing so well, I can't believe how much you have lost, you must be over the moon right now, I think 11 stone is a really good goal weight, I am actually aiming for the same as I am a similar height to you and so feel 11 stone would be a sensible goal but for now it seems so far off but I am determined to get there. I always find seeing posts by people like yourself who are doing so well really inspires me to keep going, I can do it!! I am always looking for new buddies on here as I think its great to have the support of people who are going through a similar thing to you, I find I can be far more open on here than I say would on other places like Facebook etc as at least you know you are talking with people who understand your weight problems on here etc. Em xx
Hi Leshrew, I don't blame you for being confused, I get so confused by the various weight loss plans and which one to do and learning the rules of each diet, I am personally doing a calorie intake of 1500 - 1700 although am aiming on the whole for the 1500 and watching my carb intake, that said most likely would be classed as "moderate carb" not low carb as its around the 100g of carb a day for me, I am kind of doing my own diet just pinching bits from other ones!

How are you getting on? Em
Marie, congrats on the 4 stone weight loss, that is amazing, I really hope you do something wonderful to reward yourself as that is such an achievement. Em xx
Hi Emma thanks for geting back. I have been doing preety much the same as you I only struggle with little carbs when I'm on a twelve hour shift as I'm running around the whole time I just run out of energy then eat rubbish, I'm on two shifts all weekend so dreading it food wise.
I am on my fitness pal I find it good to keep a track on calories also going along with slimming world.
Any tips let me know x
Leshrew, oh I can understand the carb thing, I found that going too low carb didn't work for me as I felt I couldn't function properly so increased my carbs to 100g daily which is still very low in comparison to what I was on before the diet! but I still need some carbs to function and calories well I was wanting originally and prob unrealistically to stick at 1100 - 1200 but I realised that I was seeing more of a difference weight wise when at 1500 - 1700 a day, think due to my start weight being so much and the volume of calories I had previously been eating the sudden drastic drop shocked my body too much and at 1500 or a little over my body seems to be happy to let me shed the pounds so I'm going with it. I am doing really a whole lifestyle change, I am eating much more variety of food now and far healthier, before I would starve myself all day and then binge on crap in the evening, I am feeling so much better for this new diet.

I can understand the shift thingy to a certain extent as my sister is a midwife and works long shifts running around all over the place and she has a terrible time trying to get in food breaks, she would work shift after shift not even stopping for a drink or anything to eat or would have to grab stuff on the go, shes now doing slimming world and is always taking small prepared meals or snacks with her that she can eat when in a rush but that keeps her going energy wise and doesn't mean she is starving and more likely to binge when she gets home.

I hope the shifts go as well as possible for you, Em x
Hi I'm glad I'm not alone, what do you work out as your 100gm of carbs could this be added to salad etc for me to take to work too? X
well basically I have counted the carbs in almost everything that I like eating , some things got ruled out immediately as they were too high in carbs and others were low enough in carbs to still have, my aim is eating anything in reason as long as the carb value doesn't go over 100g a day, for me as I am a veggie it means alot of my meals are made of Quorn or other meat free products. I found the best way of getting to grips with how many carbs are in things was to check out the supermarket websites that list carbs / calories etc in each product as I realised this was easier than spending yonks in the supermarker aisles trying to check the back of every single packet, I did this as well and looked like a bit of an idiot! I have to say I am not really classed as true low carb as I am not on say the Atkins or very low calorie diet amounts but for me as I realised my most addictive trigger foods were full of carbs that for me it was an ideal way of cutting back on those trigger foods and finding less addictive lower carb alternatives. I have a list of everything I eat now listing the carbs and calories in it, I know it sounds OTT but I just realised that I had to start being able to plan my meals more rather than my past grab anything you can mode and having all of the foods carbs / calories worked out already meant I could keep a daily diary of everything consumed and really know what I was eating / drinking etc. Em x
Thanks for that I'm going to sort my food out accordingly. I do feel ppl are staring in the shops when I stand there looking at the back of lables.
I can't believe I'm even on my second lettuce lol.
If the scales have not moved I will scream lol.
Hope you have a good day x
I really hope you lose some weight, I know what you mean re the checking backs of labels, I stood in one aisle for what seemed like ages looking at the back of the packets, I looked like some freak, at least if I had been slim people would have thought oh "shes very health conscious" but I was standing there at over 22 stone so God only knows what they were thinking!

My local supermarket is Tescos and their website is great for checking carbs / calories in each of the things and at least I could then do it from the comfort of my own home!!

Em x
I'm not weighing in until Monday as I have two twelve hour shift to do and don't want to depress myself lol.
Have made up my food in the fridge ready for the next two days.
I'm being so good it better work lol
Hope you have had a good day too
Going to sleep now up at 5.30am x
good luck leshrew, hope your weigh in on Mon goes well, Em x