First time swimming lengths?


Gold Member
Sooo was just wondering what kind of distance you might expect a fairly unfit person to achieve on their first proper swim since being a teenager? Bear in mind I can run maybe ten feet with a following wind on a good day.... Lol.

I mostly want to know just how rubbish I am so I can have a target to aim for that's realistic :)
lol, its going to depend how long the swimming pool is :p

I think you will be pleasently surprised, I do 30 mins or so constant swimming, but I do it in a very small pool (not the bath), longer lengths will probably be harder as there's less pushing off the ends and more work.

I'm pretty unfit having just quit smoking after 16 years, I can't run, but I can swim, slow and steady breast stroke.

Your muscle's will feel it though after the first session or 2.
Oh wow I just quit smoking 6 months ago! It's hard work trying to get fit while your lungs rebuild themselves lol

It was a large pool in a big leisure centre and I swan slow lengths for 45 mins?