First timer

It sure is. I don't want to be watching cals on ud but I find I am.

So far today I've had 2 sossies, 2 rashers, 1/2 thin spaghetti 1 waffle & 1/2 slice of wholemeal with butter, followed by 62cal cappucino & choc chip cookie.

Lunch portion of left over lasagne from last night and 2 slices of frozen pizza.

I've also snacked on pack of walkers pops and a few milk tray.

Feeling guilty but really trying not to allow myself guilt around food. We usually order Chinese tonight but I think I'll stick to my 'count on us' Indian taster tray at 386 cals

Do people really let their hair down on ud?
So I'm on my 3rd DD of the week today. I started on Tuesday asa dd then thur dd and fri sat sun as ud, dd today then weigh in tomorrow! I fell like I've lost loats of weight. My jeans today feel significantly looser and all in all I feel really great.

Over the weekend I found myself being conscious of what I was eating and making smarter choices while not denying anything. It wasn't at all a struggle it just seemed 'normal' I also felt I had far more energy than usual and I was really anxious to be out and about. Yesterday I had a bowl of porridge (made with milk) and a tbsp of strawberry jam! I snacked on 2 mini egg easter cakes and had a proper roast chicken dinner with proper gravy. All very enjoyable but, unusually for me, I didn't have the mentatlity to gorge myself on it all. We then went out for an evening stroll along the pier with my folks and everyone got a 99 Ice cream, I was standing ordering and it dawned on me I really had no desire for one, I was stuffed and contented after my dinner! Very liberating knowing I wasn't having it cos I didn't want it not cos I couldn't have it! After our walh, hubby bought some chips on way home and I picked at maybe 5 of them, again for same reason as being too full from dinner.

Today I'm planning to go as long as I can before having anything. I'm onto my 2nd litre of water now and I'll likely have a cappucino somewhere around 3. I've got a Tesco Healthy Living baked spud pack ready for this evening. it says 225 per spud (They're pretty big so I'll stick to the one) and I'm thinking of 1/2 tin of beans with that and that sees me through to tomorrow's weigh-in.

I don't want to sound evangelical about this but honestly if I see a result on the scales tomorrow (and I'll be shocked if I don't given how my clothes feel today) then I really think I may have found a solution to my yo yoing around diets! The simplicity and the control I feel is fantastic.

Sorry that's so long-winded!
You're so right about this, it really has changed my life, and that's before I've lost the weight! I think the DDs make you so much more aware of what is worth eating on an UD. I also don't seem to be able to eat anywhere near the same amount as I used to on a good old fashioned binge. By the way, there is a school of thought that says your body shape changes more dramatically on this regime than any other so worth taking your measurements as well as weighing. Good luck tomorrow, hope it's brilliant!

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Luckily I did indeed take measurements before I started and I'm so glad I did cos I know that's going to show a change! Still really want to see a chnage on the scales tomorrow, just as a sort of affirmation that this actually is the holy grail of weight loss that I've been seeking!!!
Wuhoo....first week weigh-in annnndddddddd...

5.5lbs down!!!! 5 inches off my measurement under my bust!!! RESULT!!!
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I should say, yesterday was my DD and I had tiny bowl of veg soup (and I mean tiny- like 1/4 of a small carton) and one crispbread spread with a fingertip of pnut butter and same of s/f jam. For evening meal I had a Tesco Healthy Choices baked spud with cheses for 225 cals and I topped it with a 109cal tin of spaghetti hoops. yum! total was 427 cals for the day.

This morning (UD) I headed to the canteen all delighted I could eat 'whatever' I there and found I just couldn't bring myself to get the sausage roll option - it just didn't seem worth it- so I opted instead for a bowl of museli with loads of raisins, some full fat yogurt and a spoon of berry compote on top. Was very yum! followed it with a nice lush cappucino with 2 sugars! (An Azeara pack so 62 cals for the coffee)

Loving it. I can feel the loss of every one of those 5.5lbs! I feel loads lighter.
Jeepers that Fitness pal app on the DD really does make you very conscious of the calories in things. i logged my whole museli breakfast adn it tallies up to roughly 450 cals! I could have had the sausage roll. I know my choice was better for all round health but interesting to know it wouldn't be the end of the world to grab the sausage roll!

For lunch I re-visited my student days! a pack of koka style noodles for 173 calories and a half bag of Walkers baked! (I nearly died when I copped they were 157 for the whole bag, I thought I was choosing the light option!) I followed that up with 2 malteaser celebration sweets! not so healthy but very filling and very yum! I know I keep saying this but I feel 'normal' I ate a lunch and I feel happy and full from it. I don't feel like 'oh I'd love XYZ' or ' well that was all on plan but I feel very unsatisfied' nope, I had what I fancied and I moved on! Whole lunch came to just under 400 cals.

Lasagne, garlic bread and chips tonight! and I've bought a nice tiramisu for dessert! yummsy...another ud tomorrow then dd on Thur.
What a brilliant result, well don! I think calories are so precious on DDs that you realise their worth more on an UD and just don't want to go that route. Also there is such a big difference between "I can't have that on this diet" and "I can have that on this diet but I choose not to". Keep it up!

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So delighted with my result!

Definately agree that the value of calories becomes far more evident after doing a DD. some of the numbers just aren't justifiable!! I brought home a Tiramisu yesterday for a treat after dinner. I scanned it into My Fitness pall and discovered that the 150g I had in a bowl was over 400 cals. I just couldn't bring myself to do it, so I dumped a lot of the cream from the top, fed my hubby 2 big spoons of the remainder and then enjoyed what I had left in the bowl!

This morning I found that I felt a bit nauseous on the way into work - primarily I think because I was reading whilst travelling - but I certainly had no desire for food. Stayed like that up until about noon when I made a cappucino and had 2 crackerbread spread very thinly with peanut butter and jam. I'll likely have koka noodles for lunch at 173 cals because we tend to get chippy tonight after hubby's footy training.

I know I'm watching what I'm eating even on an UD but i'm not finding it tedious or a struggle. I kinda feel that this is how 'normal' people eat, i.e. they don't feel the need to stuff their faces with crap just because they can!!

BTW thanks for your support everybody!
appetite oh appetite...where art thou??!! Unheard of that it's 2.30 pm and I'm debating whether to eat lunch or not cos I'm just not starved for it!
Finished my UD yesterday with 2 slices of white bread and a bag of chippy chips! yum. DD today, going to try go as long as I least until mid-afternoon then have a 40 cal cuppa soup with a cracker bread and I've a M&S Chinese takeaway for dins at 368 cals. Really feel like the weight is walking off me, my jeans are significantly looser.

Reading the Micahel Molesly book last night and the health benefits are really quite exciting!

Oh and I completed the first day of couch to 5k yesterday evening. I done it in the house! (I have a really long sitting room and hallway so I ran around them - no fear of being mortified out on the street!)
Lol believe me..picturing me running around a park in public is far worse!!

So I'm now on hour 23 of today's fast. I've gone with ZERO cals today. Had my ready meal ready for when I got home but at that stage the worst of the hunger had passed and I thought to myself..I can go without, and so I did! It means when I have breakfast about 9.30 I'll have completed a full 36 hour non eating fast.

I gotta say I feel great. Even went for stroll in park with hubby this evening. Will enjoy tomorrow's ud feeling very saintly!!
well I lasted until now...I say lasted but really it wasn't much of a struggle at all. Lunchtime yesterday the hunger hit, it gradually receded until it was gone and the evening I was fine, I slept through the night and did wake feeling slightly nauseaous this morning but a nice shower and the morning school/work panic distracted and I've just throughly enjoyed a sausage roll from the canteen with some brown sauce, a nice cappucino with 2 or 3 choccie biscuits! Feeling very virtuous and I can very visibly see and feel a change in how I look.

Meeting hubby for lunch and heading out tonight for evening stroll by the coast and probably chippy supper. I LOVE this way of life! #

I know I'm talking to myself most of the time on here but I find it helps to record how I'm feeling so I'll keep yapping away!
Had a lovely day out. Ate what I wanted just a hell of a lot less of it than normal...I just couldn't physically eat the same amounts that I used to. Fanfrickintastic!!
Subscribing! Starting IF next week...Monday will probably be my first DD, but it may slip to tues (am away for the weekend and it depends on how early I can get away on Mon)