First Week Weigh In


Full Member
Hi all,

Following my crazy 4 days off the plan, I managed to pick myself up and dust myself off and get back on the packs. I followed the plan Thursday and Friday. I came off the packs and the plan on Saturday, Sunday and Monday and got back on the plan today. I went to my first counselling session tonight and I managed to get a 4lb weigh in. Which I am really happy with, i am so happy with it! So over the moon xxx
Well done for getting to the first weigh in!! I'm sure you'll find the second week much easier now you've had a good result and can see for yourself that it works! Just think, if you can have a week of no food you'll have an even better result next week and feel even more incredible!!
congratulations on picking yourself up and carrying on. Just imagine what next weeks WI will be when you've been 100%.
Great stuff!! One step at a time this week eh? You can do this.
Great news. Keep going, you've done the hard part.

We all have good days and bad, but we are all here to lend an ear and help where we can. x
Well done on starting again. Good for you! I knew you could do it!
Well done! 4lbs is still a good loss. Remember to update your ticker so you've got a visual reminder of how well you're doing.
Brilliant! Well done xx