Fitting in Theme park rides.

We are planning on going to a theme park this week, probobly Drayton Manor as my son would like the Thomas land there.
I'm a bit worried as I'm the heaviest I have been and I don't want to queue up for rides and then not fit in.
I know last time a couple of years ago I went on a ride and although I fit, it was one of the ones where the thing comes down and sits over your shoulders and I could see that mine had locked much further out than everyone elses, so I was embarressed:eek:
I have a 12 year old son too who will want to go on the bigger rides but I don't want to find myself making excuses to not go on, just in case I don't fit.
I'm 5 foot 3 and weigh 13 and a half stones.
I just wondered if anyone has been at a similar weight and found it ok.